Mr Bashir and his henchmen in the National Congress Party (NCP) are genuinely fearful of elections.
When and where was the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held?
A total of 2,287 representatives attended the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which was held in Beijing from Oct. 18.
There are so many southern Republicans in Congress that they pretty much call the shots in the national Republican Party, making it more socially conservative than many non-southerners can stomach.
AT the next nATional Party congress the Central Advisory Commission will be abolished and a retirement system established.
In October of this year our Party will convene its Thirteenth National Congress.
Then we are sure to meet the targets set by the Twelfth National Party Congress FOR the end of the century.
The party congress report points out, "education is the foundation of national development, education fair is an important basis of social justice".
And a fair number of delegates to the next National Congress of the Party should also be under 50.
The essence of its thinking suits the spirit of 16th National Party Congress, which request to set an overall vision to build intensive community.
Abstract: Pick to: the 17th National Congress of the CPC, Party has been pay attention to their own building activities, emphasizes the various party anization construction into a learning anization.
Abstract: Pick to: the 17th National Congress of the CPC, Party has been pay attention to their own building activities, emphasizes the various party anization construction into a learning anization.