She began a nationwide campaign to have a national holiday declared that would bring families together while celebrating the traditional festival.
She began a nationwide campaign to have a national holiday declared that would bring families together while celebrating the traditional festivals.
In 1972, the then USA President Richard Nixon made it a national holiday.
Abe Lincoln helped by declaring Thanksgiving a national holiday.
Prices went up on Monday following the National Holiday slowdown.
I planned some events for the day only to be reminded that it was a national holiday.
I heard a new trailer is coming in Chinese national holiday. Will the trailer be posted here?
April 1 is a national holiday, and people remember his flying trip by having ski-jump competitions.
4月1 日在挪威是个全国性的节日。人们用跳台滑雪比赛来纪念勒尔帕的那次飞行。
Three years later, his successor, Megawati Sukarnoputri, declared Chinese New Year a national holiday.
The emir is due to make an official announcement on Tuesday, which has been declared a national holiday.
The club members shower attention on the children with a festive party every children's day, a national holiday.
He paid his workers a 200 yuan ($30) bonus for a recent national holiday, but is letting those who want to leave go.
Yes I realize a lot of you guys propose on 'Valentines day' because it is a national holiday and a romance filled day.
Thanksgiving Day is an traditional holiday which was created by Americans, but it is also a national holiday in Canada.
Therefore, the proposal to abolish the national holiday, and to replace it with the freedom of individuals leave system.
The anniversary of the signing, February 6, is celebrated as New Zealand National Day, Waitangi day, and is a national holiday.
Wish all my family and friends in China a fabulous National holiday this week as if they were living a life as rosy as mine here!
There is no china national holiday in Singapore. However my mother-in-law and the young sister of my husband came here to see us.
King: No matter. We've more important things to discuss. Arrangements for a wedding, invitations, a national holiday. All that sort of thing.
Whether at the stadium or with friends in front of the television, most Americans find something to enjoy on this unofficial national holiday.
The woman who wrote the classic nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" also played an integral role in making Thanksgiving a national holiday.
The woman who wrote the classic nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" also played an integral role in making Thanksgiving a national holiday.