Employees' National Insurance contributions rose from 11% to 12% in April.
The planned increase in National Insurance contributions is nothing more than a tax on jobs and it should be abandoned immediately.
K. in 1948. Over 82 per cent of the cost of the health service in Great Britain id funded out of general taxation. The rest is met from: (1) the NHS element of National Insurance contributions;
If the economy stays weak, it may not be robust enough to withstand further deficit-cutting measures, including a planned rise in national-insurance contributions this April.
At the national level, revenues lost on income tax would be made up by higher national-insurance contributions.
The Tory plan to reverse most of the rise in national-insurance contributions will still leave taxes rising substantially.
The main rate of VAT, a consumption tax, will rise in January from 17.5% to 20%, and national-insurance contributions will also go up in April.
Labour is already planning to raise nearly 1% of GDP from higher national-insurance contributions and a tax raid on higher earners, including a top rate of income tax of 50% from April 2010.
Labour is already planning to raise nearly 1% of GDP from higher national-insurance contributions and a tax raid on higher earners, including a top rate of income tax of 50% from April 2010.