The source of this project is the national key science and research item assumed by the institute of aviation and avigation materials.
The project called Research and Practice of Key Technologies Introduced into Guangzhou Pumped Storage won a national silver medal 1997 for technical advances.
According to official statistics, more than 70 percent of project leaders working at key national research projects are overseas returnees.
Mechanical Virtual Human of China is a key research project supported by National Natural Science Foundation.
A certain sensor-network fence system is a key project of national 10th five-year plans. The research and development of the system is pretty meaningful to keep up with the tide of this technology.
He participated in two key research projects and presides over a research project supported by National Social Science research Fund.
The paper focuses on the 15th key scientific research project of National University of Defense Technology—Teaching Operation Business Administrative System of Digital Campus.
The paper focuses on the 15th key scientific research project of National University of Defense Technology—Teaching Operation Business Administrative System of Digital Campus.