We discussed a few experiments, including one by Hakan Erdogmus of the Canadian National Research Council.
Well, a committee of scientists appointed by the United States National Research Council had the same thought.
National Research Council (1996). National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
So says the US National Research Council (NRC), which has flagged weaknesses in the country's nuclear sleuthing capability.
The reorientation of NASA’s planetary exploration programs is in response to a recent National Research Council report card.
A report by the National Research Council says the debris could cause fatal leaks in spaceships or destroy valuable satellites.
Those ideas underscore the findings of a National Research Council Report commissioned by Congress and released earlier this month.
But, truth be told, the polygraph is a crude tool that the esteemed National Research Council says has extremely serious limitations.
A new report by the National Research Council seeks to put a dollar amount on the "hidden" costs of energy produced by burning fossil fuels.
A new report by the National Research Council warns that the problem of space junk in earth's orbit is on the verge of getting out of control.
The National Research Council, a non-profit group advising on science policy, said Nasa should increase the size of its space-flying crew.
The mode of the doctoral program quality evaluation organized by the National Research Council in the USA is new and can be used for reference.
The first came from America's National Research Council. She worked at several places, including Cornell and the University of Missouri in Columbia.
A 2006 report from the National research Council found that patented biomedical research "rarely imposes a significant burden for biomedical researchers."
The experts from Canada's National Research Council said the painting was in fragile condition but should not suffer too much damage if taken care of properly.
Earlier in the year, a report from the National Research Council identified the combustible water, also known as methane hydrate, as a potential source of natural gas.
Nicolas Garcia and Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas of the National Research Council of Spain in Madrid claimed that the prism was merely absorbing more microwaves at its thick end.
He called the National Research Council the next day to see who else was studying such technology and was shocked to learn no one was in Canada or anywhere else in the world.
Such transformers can take a long time to replace, especially if hundreds are destroyed at once, said Baker, who is a co-author of a National Research Council report on solar-storm risks.
The amount of orbital debris tracked by the US Space Surveillance Network jumped from 9, 949 cataloged objects in December 2006 to 16, 094 in July 2011, the National Research Council said.
A dour National Research Council report recently poured cold water over the notion that plug-in vehicles will make much difference on oil use or the environment before 2030 at the earliest.
而最近National Research Council的报告则给先前关于充电式汽车将会在2030年前大幅度减少石油使用量并且改善环境的想法泼了冷水。
The National Research Council (NRC), which was charged with developing the plan, reported last week on the 18 tasks it reckons are crucial if the country’s earthquake resilience is to be improved.
The excitement now in the field, and its central challenges, were expressed in a report last year by the National Research Council, which assembles experts to study scientific issues and problems.
Last year, a report by the U. S. National Research Council agreed that ozone exposure could kill and urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct more studies of ozone-related mortality.
Morris' research trip is funded by Britain's National Environmental research Council and mounted with the U.S. National Science Foundation's cooperation.
The Liverpool team's research is funded by the Leakey Foundation, the national Environment research Council (NERC), and the International Association of Sedimentologists.
The Liverpool team's research is funded by the Leakey Foundation, the national Environment research Council (NERC), and the International Association of Sedimentologists.