Some fish, too, have had limited success vacationing at the lake as less salty lagoons form on the outer edges from hot springs flowing into Lake Natron.
At the base of a mountain in Tanzania's Gregory Rift, Lake Natron burns bright red, surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough to fall into the salty water.
Lake Natron is one of the largest soda lakes in the Rift valley.
After the removal of the inner organs, the body cavity was stuffed with natron.
Mummies can be dried out by extreme cold, by the sun, by smoke, or using chemicals such as natron.
His skin was covered in a mixture of oils and resins and bathed in a solution of Natron, a salt found in dried-up river beds in Egypt.
Many depend on Lake Natron as a breeding site because food is plentiful, nesting sites abound and the lake is isolated and undisturbed
The body was then placed on a slanted embalming table and completely covered with natron. This allowed fluids to drip away as the body slowly dried out.
Found in the tomb of tutankhamun an alabaster container with finely carved stoppers carried the pharaoh's internal organs preserved with natron into the afterlife.
It follows the life and struggles of a million-strong colony of pink flamingos in Lake Natron, northern Tanzania, which are threatened by plans for a new factory in the area.
它记录了在坦桑尼亚北部纳特龙湖(Lake Natron)上的一群有一百万之众的粉红色火烈鸟的生活和搏斗,它们的生存正受到一项在该地区新建工厂计划的威胁。
Saline deposits of salt lake consist of more than 10 salt minerals, but the glauber salt, glaserite, pgrotechnite, hanksite, natron, trona and halite are mainly salt minerals.
Saline deposits of salt lake consist of more than 10 salt minerals, but the glauber salt, glaserite, pgrotechnite, hanksite, natron, trona and halite are mainly salt minerals.