It forces us to consider how the natural order of our physical world should inform the virtual worlds of information that we create.
We are saying that it violates a perceived "natural order", which in theological terms is associated with a purpose for all things designated by God, and which must therefore be intrinsically "good".
And that leaves me with the belief that miracles, no matter how inexplicable or unbelievable, are real and can occur without regard to the natural order of things.
Keeping data change operations in the WITH clause imposes a very natural order which can be used to solve conflicts.
Nutrition is biologically comprehensive and supports the natural order of things.
But the exhibition's purpose is not to educate zoologists. It is to persuade the public that, as there are gay whales and worms, gay humans do not disturb the natural order.
That first year of gardening, I understood on a deeper level something that I'd always known: to live was also to die, and that the natural order after birth and life would be death.
Usually, categories for an ordinal set of data have a natural order, but the distinction between adjoining points on the scale is not necessarily always the same.
Arranging visual elements on a page must consider the flow of a page, which is top to bottom and left to right for most countries, and the natural order those elements are to be used.
The modern view is that the complete suppression of fire has upset the natural order of things.
I might assume that the natural order of things causes my team to specialize and "trade" skills and work as a natural order of the process, but I don't want to assume too much.
Exaggeration and divergence may be the natural order of things, but declaring in print that one child is vanilla and the other is chocolate is still a bad idea.
Looking down on the world - and especially those tail-wagging dimwits known as dogs - may seem like the natural order of things for cats.
Drug activity is biologically targeted and opposes the natural order of things.
The ratio has been so stable over time that it appears to be the natural order of things.
With this feature, the natural order of the actual input fields is preserved, making this a preferred option if your users frequently navigate input fields by tabbing.
One way this natural order finds expression in the web design world is through the notion of elegance.
"Having had a successful first run, we knew that the natural order would be to do the three most famous things, so we're doing a version of [those three stories]," he explained.
Yes. None of us have ever tampered with the fundamental natural order when bared. That would be wrong.
There are those that say Magick works by subverting the natural order, but I vigorously disagree!
Questioner: Is conflict necessary then? It may perhaps, after all, be the natural order of things.
Horus would need him, need his strength. The Emperor was weak and exhausted, it was the natural order of things that he be replaced.
Death is the natural state of things, and life is a distortion of the natural order.
Death is the natural state of things, and life is a distortion of the natural order.