Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state.
To limit the number of telescopes on Mauna Kea, old ones will be removed at the end of their lifetimes and their sites returned to a natural state.
In her natural state, the actor weighed 105 pounds.
Naturalness refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature.
Guzman is more of a purist. "To me, nothing is more wonderful than the natural state of a Mexican avocado," she said.
It was an attractive hope that the high technology of our society might be wrested from the grip of benighted forces and used to restore us to an idyllic natural state.
Most people find staying in the now difficult because they are trying to control their natural state of awareness.
Let's dismantle what it means to feel wronged so you can reclaim the natural state of peace, ease, and freedom.
People who thrive on stress tend to feel it as their natural state, making it more difficult to discern stress symptoms until after much of their stress is alleviated.
Hargrove asks how our viewing of the night sky is affected by our knowing whether what we see are the craters of the moon's natural state, or only man-made excavations and opencast pits.
Corrosion is an electro-chemical process by which a metal such as mild steel ,returns to its natural state ,state ,such as iron oxide or rust.
上面的译文便犯了定义过宽的错误。 试译:腐蚀是金属(如低碳钢)返回其天然状态(如氧化铁即铁锈)的电化学过程。
Creating a hybrid in Florida is a "compromise," Parker says, that restores the ecosystem to something like its natural state.
When you are trying hard to be aware, you are trying to do something and that's not your natural state.
Professor Dunn believes we should convince our bodies they are still in the natural state of our ancestors: roaming bug-infested forests and living in unsanitary hovels.
For many years, I have been interested in healthy living and getting my body back into its natural state and how it should function.
His focus on consuming plants "as close to their natural state as possible" will lead to a natural reduction in calories.
In fact, constantly rising real estate prices seems to be regarded as some kind of natural right, or at least a natural state to which we must return as soon as possible.
For me, the most surprising thing about these new plants is that in their natural state you very often can't eat them at all, or at least they taste pretty filthy if you do.
I slouched down in my seat and attempted to resume my train of thought and natural state of invisibility.
In fact, considering that we spend more time dead than alive - we may live to be 100 but we are classified as "dead" forever after - it is perhaps a more natural state.
This graphite could be used in its natural state for writing.
Growing organically keeps soil in its natural state and protects the ground as well as our water.
But it did make me think: should we just accept unhappiness as a natural state of being?
Rather, the goal is to eat less of certain foods and more of others — specifically, plants, as close to their natural state as possible.
Try to get stuff in its natural state, without all the gravies and sauces and cheeses on top.
The natural state is being infinite, but we superimpose over that all these ideas of limitation, of needs, attachments and aversions that block out this infinite joy that is natural.
Because you know in your Beingness that you are NOT LIMITED and you'll never be totally happy until you regain that natural state.
Because you know in your Beingness that you are NOT LIMITED and you'll never be totally happy until you regain that natural state.