Through a comparative study of language input between first language acquisition and second language acquisition, some special features of natural language input have been discovered.
Each element contains the output of the natural language processing for one particular input document such as an email, problem ticket, CRM record, or other plain text document.
These controls produce natural language as output, rather than attempting to accept natural language as input, for database queries.
It is found that under natural conditions, language input is characteristic of spontaneity and comprehensibility and it does not follow the natural developmental order.
Based on ontology services, this thesis proposed an approach to enable end-user to input their knowledge discovery requirements using natural language.
Therefore, GIS command analysis based on constrained natural language aims to extract the information related to GIS operations from input sentences.
This paper is intended to explore the effectiveness of the non-natural input in English language instruction at secondary level in the Chinese context.
This thesis grows out of the concern for the exploring the effectiveness of the non-natural input in English language instruction at secondary level in the Chinese context.
This thesis grows out of the concern for the exploring the effectiveness of the non-natural input in English language instruction at secondary level in the Chinese context.