No natural law theory can be accepted, he insists, that attempts to lay down in advance an eternal, unchanging code of nature.
In other words, we can read the coincide between the Hart theory and the natural law theory if we put the Hart theory under the context of the traditional natural law.
The natural law theory and the legal positivism are two theories that are antagonistic towards each other, as well as having great influence on the field of philosophy of law.
According to the theory and method of particle flow code in two dimensions (PFC2D), the block caving law of natural caving mining method was investigated.
In the classical natural legal science theory being in vogue time, the right standard thought becomes its basic theory core, the right exercises freely then becomes the object which the law protects.
The article analyses some problems about this law by above thoughts, just like the history practice, basic concept, natural characteristics and economic theory basic and so on.
The PA Theory precisely represents the law of the unity of opposites between ambiguousness and nonambiguousness of natural langUage, and it also provides an useful means for disambiguating in nat…
This thesis tries to justify and interpret the civil disobedience theory of Rawls by reviewing the tradition of the western natural law thoughts, and discussing the relation between the moral and law.
Base on reflections about descriptive sociology, he brings forward a theory of natural law which mainly consists of basic goods.
The author makes a further study on theory and realistic basis of oneness of environment law and natural resources law, the name, conception and system's readjustment of combined department law.
From jurisprudence aspect, many important theories in the history of private international law were based on the theory of natural law.
From jurisprudence aspect, many important theories in the history of private international law were based on the theory of natural law.