I was careful to point out that this is a natural process, not one to be forced.
It's essentially a mimic of the natural process of geology on a smaller time scale.
It's a natural process that results in more toned muscles as they repair and strengthen.
In order to let your cut finger heal, you've got to let the body's natural process work.
This approach offers a much more natural process because it fits the way people actually work.
And, unlike 'away days', it's a natural process. It doesn't have that horrible forced feeling.
Living Will instructs your doctor not to use life support to extend the natural process of dying.
But the finding is intriguing because the natural process of memory decay remains shrouded in mystery.
This natural process that produced the Colombian Emerald cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
But because metabolism is a natural process, your body generally balances it to meet your individual needs.
It's part of a natural process, but it's pretty exciting to be here and actually observe it while it happens.
But there are some things you can do to work with this natural process so that you maximize your own creativity.
Most trace elements, including manganese and arsenic, get into the water through the natural process of rock weathering.
And the heavier oxygen from a natural process that left more of the light isotope in the part of the nebula that made the sun.
This natural process has been vastly accelerated and amplified by a number of human practices, behaviours, and policy failures.
I suppose my attitude towards death has changed, to the extent that I see it as a natural process and so it doesn't frighten me.
In fact, the natural process of wood decomposition enriches the soil and makes it more suitable for future generations of tree.
The natural process produces a collection of hydrocarbons of various lengths that are comparable to the hydrocarbon molecules in diesel.
Aging is a natural process that we can't avoid, although certain yoga postures and exercises can help keep our skin toned and vibrant.
The technique relies on a natural process by which the activity of genes is raised or lowered by proteins called transcription factors.
So one explanation is that infant amnesia is simply a result of the natural process of forgetting the things we experience throughout our lives.
An artificial leaf would use a reaction that forms part of the natural process of photosynthesis to turn sunlight and water into a clean fuel source.
Earth Mama Angel baby's pregnancy, childbirth and baby products were, ahem, born of our sincere faith in the natural process of birthing babies.
All must keep vigilant about diet and psychic hygiene during this time as there are also external factors that seek to block the natural process.
All must keep vigilant about diet and psychic hygiene during this time as there are also external factors that seek to block the natural process.