Indeed, ninety-five percent of a spent nuclear fuel rod is natural uranium, and so it can be put right back in the ground, just as it was found.
Based on the experiments, a chemical procedure used for rapidly separating thorium from the natural uranium irradiated by 18o ions was developed.
Australia, Canada and South Africa, all with deposits of natural uranium, are reluctant to accept limits on their future rights to enrich it for profit.
The investigation results on natural uranium concentrations in drinking water sources, Hei River and Ba River, in Xi 'an City are presented in this paper.
Certain countries (Australia, Canada, South Africa, among others) have reserves of natural uranium and might like to profit from enriching them before exporting them.
What helium is available is depleted in helium-3 relative to what we see in the sun, because most of Earth's helium-4 is freshly made via natural radioactive decay of the elements uranium and thorium.
One focus was to prospect the lunar surface for natural resources, including uranium for nuclear fuel.
That growth has transformed global energy markets and sustained higher prices for everything from oil to uranium and other natural resources that China has been consuming.
Industrial exports include gold, mercury, uranium, and natural gas and electricity.
As a product from the uranium disintegration, radon is a natural radioactive idle gas.
Uranium is one of the most powerful natural energy sources known, used in the production of clean, stable base-load electricity.
The results show that there is a normal level of natural radioactivity of soil in the Xiazhuang granite uranium ore field.
A laboratory test for remedying the groundwater environment after in-situ leaching of uranium by natural water flushing is carried out.
Natural Resources: Coal, gold, tungsten, lead, copper. uranium.
But the utilization of coal, oil, natural gas and uranium is the conversion and destruction of resources, and causes tragedy effects to the human and environment.
This paper deals with the basic theory of the natural electric field method and its application to the prospecting for interlayer oxidation zone sandstone-type uranium deposits.
Australia has tons of coal, iron ore, uranium, zinc, nickel, and gold. It produces oil and natural gas, but oil imports are growing.
During the production of uranium mining and metallurgy, some waste ores and mill tailings with radioactive elements are produced, which may do harm to natural environment and people.
The mud correction and uranium-radium non-equilibrium correction equation have been derived for 1318XA natural gamma-ray spectroscopy tool, and the division method of deposit thickness is proposed.
The results of the laboratory experiment show that under the air preparing or oxygen oxidizing ore, the uranium can be leached from ores by natural ore-bearing aquifer groundwater.
The activation and accumulation aroused the abnormity of natural gamma. There is a certain correlation in shallow and deep abnormality of uranium.
The activation and accumulation aroused the abnormity of natural gamma. There is a certain correlation in shallow and deep abnormality of uranium.