Austen is good at drawing landscapes with her prose and nature writing is always prevailing in her works.
What I learned, and what stuck with me through my time teaching writing at Harvard, was a deeper lesson about the nature of creative criticism.
Think about it, you are writing about dramatic arts, the theater, and that's the nature of theater, isn't it?
The biggest benefit of writing to the log first, then writing to the database is that all writes to log files are sequential in nature.
It's a difference, or differance, that comes into being precisely in writing, and it's only in writing that we suddenly grasp the twofold nature of differance as difference and deferral.
If you've spent most of your programming career writing sequential code, you might have more trouble adapting to the parallel nature of the robotics programs than your kids will.
Since writing the above, dearest Lizzy, something has occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature; but I am afraid of alarming you — be assured that we are all well.
Blogs don't just make the writing of newspapers more collaborative, they completely change the nature of how information is spread.
Through writing my memoir, Now I See the Moon, I was able realize that some things in life, as in nature, cannot be rushed.
通过写自述回忆录《NowISeethe Moon》,我意识到生活中的很多东西,如同自然中的一样,是无法匆忙行事的。
Writing in the journal Nature, the experts said they believed migration from Asia to be the most plausible theory.
Writing in the journal Nature Geoscience in January, the team warned that the danger of a quake greater than magnitude 8.5 remained along the segment under Padang.
Writing in the journal Nature, they say the number of weaker storms has not noticeably altered.
They also include Stephen Hawking's early writing on black holes and Isaac Newton's 1672 landmark work on the nature of light and color and 1940 papers on the discovery of penicillin.
It's not surprising, though, as developers by nature tend to hate writing documentation.
Writing in the journal Nature, scientists say the decline appears to be linked to rising water temperatures.
Now scientists writing in the journal Nature show that the current model can actually generate dwarf galaxies just fine. You just need to look at the stars.
而现在,天文学家们在《自然》杂志上撰文指出,其实现有的模型已经能够很好地解释矮星系的形成, 我们要做的只是仰望星空。
Writing in today's Nature, Allen and colleagues say a trillion tonnes of carbon burnt would be likely to produce a warming of between 1.6C and 2.6C, with a "most likely" 2C rise.
Writing in Nature, they say they have found 10 Jupiter-sized objects which they could not connect to any solar system.
Most letters start with the greeting "Dear" but you can vary that according to the nature of the letter and the person you're writing it to.
And I took away from this some of the most hopeful news about our relationship to nature that I've ever come across in 25 years of writing about nature.
Now scientists writing in the journal Nature show that the current model can actually generate dwarf galaxies just fine.
The peculiar nature of the material employed to exemplify the interpretation of dreams has made the writing even of this treatise a difficult task.
The dream for writing was a dream for writing and included all the nonphysical of nature and earth that she would channel.
Thoreau usually saved himself by writing of what he knew: namely nature and his own character.
They cited her writing skills, tenacity to succeed and philanthropic nature, said the company.
He has developed a writing style revealing the bondage of nature and the life.
Writing in Nature, Seiffert explains that while the new fossil, named Afradapis, is related to Ida, both emerged along the evolutionary path that led to lemurs and lorises.
Writing in Nature, Seiffert explains that while the new fossil, named Afradapis, is related to Ida, both emerged along the evolutionary path that led to lemurs and lorises.