Not all references can be resolved, such as a reference to a row in a database, and will require some human intervention to navigate to the referenced item.
Navigate to the Tables folder under database GSDB.
From the data Source explorer, navigate to the GSDBTEST database, and drill down to the GOSALES schema.
Open the database, navigate to Applications, and then click the New application button at the top to create an application configuration document.
With the previous release of data Studio Administrator, you had to use a hierarchical presentation to navigate to database objects with the same parent type, such as a common schema.
Every view in a Lotus Notes database stores a summary of the underlying document data that allows users to navigate quickly and easily through the documents.
Once the tool has started, navigate to the ORDERUPD database and its ESBLOG.MSGLOG table (Figure 13).
启动工具后,导航到ORDERUPD数据库及其ESBLOG . msglog表(图13)。
Make a connection to the GSDB database and navigate to the GOSALESCT schema.
NOTE: You might need to navigate to the database using the folder button to the right of the Application drop-down field as shown in figure 16.
When database queries that produce large result sets are executed, it's common to break the result set into pages and then require the user to navigate among the pages.
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate within the Database Unit Test Designer.
Or the user logs in successfully but when I navigate the site the session starts again dropping the user information and starting a new session in my database.
Or the user logs in successfully but when I navigate the site the session starts again dropping the user information and starting a new session in my database.