Medically speaking, what is a near-death experience?
Seven years later, he is still consumed with his own near-death experience.
And these guesses are based, in part, on a growing body of research around near-death experience (NDE).
That's not cold hearted. It is good for a man to go through a near-death experience. It opens his eyes.
Wall Street's near-death experience set off an economic tsunami, but was less dramatic in human terms.
Experience the joy: "near-death experience" in a calm and serene early, it is the feeling of pleasure.
Every cyclist seems to know somebody who has been injured or who has survived a near-death experience.
The scientific evidence suggests that all aspects of the near-death experience have a biological basis.
Melinda soon discovers eli s near-death experience has given him the ability to hear ghosts but not see them.
Most industry executives and specialists think it has been transformed for the better since its near-death experience in 2002.
“Companies were caught in a near-death experience, ” says Ruchir Sharma, the head of emerging-markets equity at Morgan Stanley.
The first time you trip over a dinosaur in your living room and have a near-death experience, you'll break every one of them.
Nine minutes later, miraculously and unaccountably, he returned to life to tell of his amazing near-death experience in the afterlife.
A middle aged woman has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she has a near-death experience.
Bad response: "We already comped your meal after your alleged 'near-death experience' from mussels in our award-winning restaurant."
On the other side of the world, Marie (Cécile de France), a French journalist, has a near-death experience that shakes her reality.
在地球的另一边,法国记者玛莉 (西西迪法兰丝 饰演)一次濒死的经验为她的生命带来极大改变。
There is light: in the "near-death experience" last time, there will be light. This light has a certain "human" very clear "human. "
The "tunnel of light" sensation reported by those who believe they are having a near-death experience can also be artificially induced.
Since then, discussion of his resignation has lapsed into hysteria. After all, he is the man who rescued Apple from near-death experience.
Come back to life: If fortunate enough to be saved, and in the "near-death experience" to a certain extent carried out, people must "come back.
The phenomenon is reminiscent of a group that, having survived a near-death experience, now feels the need (and has the confidence) to talk about it.
Not everyone with high CO2 levels had a near-death experience, and previous studies have found that demographic and psychological factors are also involved.
There were things that were happening at that moment, that near-death experience moment, that simply could not be explained with existing scientific knowledge.
But after the near-death experience of the American-led financial order in 2008-09, the hunt for regional alternatives and defence mechanisms is gathering pace.
The most obvious example is Apple (founded in 1976). Like IBM, it had a near-death experience in the 1990s, and it is dangerously dependent on its founder, Steve Jobs.
最显著的例子莫过于苹果公司(建立于1976年),与IBM的经历相仿,二十世纪九十年代,苹果九死一生,对亏其创始人Steve Jobs才逃过一劫。
The most obvious example is Apple (founded in 1976). Like IBM, it had a near-death experience in the 1990s, and it is dangerously dependent on its founder, Steve Jobs.
最显著的例子莫过于苹果公司(建立于1976年),与IBM的经历相仿,二十世纪九十年代,苹果九死一生,对亏其创始人Steve Jobs才逃过一劫。