He performed the first space walk on his mission, but experienced both air leaks and material unexpected stiffening — the latter of which made cramming himself back in the capsule a very near thing.
In fact, the only person to admit to being near the beating was Conley. He told everyone he was right there. But like the others, he insisted he hadn't seen a thing.
Light, which normally and famously travels in straight lines, thus appears to follow a curved path when it passes near a heavy thing such as a galaxy.
Unfortunately, the same thing is not true for the cold chain; even 90 percent reliability is nowhere near enough.
There's quite a lot of this sort of thing around these days, and we confidently predict a lot more in the near future.
It may seem like a small thing, but if she has another guy on her speed dial, she won't let you anywhere near her phone or computer.
The important thing to realize about buffer overflows is that any data that happen to be allocated near the buffer can potentially be modified when the overflow occurs.
For instance, human cartilage grown in the lab is usually nowhere near as strong as the real thing.
It's widely believed that networks of sensors feeding data into computers for analysis and visualization are going to be a big thing in the near term future.
I don't have any illusions that this sort of thing could be anything near a complete education. Some lessons have to be hard-won.
It's a common thing to see horses and other animals near the church because it is situated in the vicinity of an inhabited area.
Watch has a component called gossamer, this thing is most afraid of watch in the magnetic field near a magnet, spring will be magnetized.
A few years ago, my favorite thing in summer was to swim in the river near my house.
The class is near capacity right now (about three spots left), and I’m ready to kick this thing off next Wednesday.
So in the near future, who knows, that mystical, esoteric thing we call meditation might become a science itself!
Thing is, when we wanted to download a video earlier, the downloader I tried TechCrunch's, which has been around for years, and which pops up at or near the top when doing a.
有这样一个原因便是:我们原先下载视频时试用过的下载网站-TechCrunch 's(用google搜索会弹出或出现在最靠前的位置)现在已经无法使用了。
The near overnight success of companies such as YouTube, Facebook, Flickr and Digg has motivated a slew of us into believing that we too can create the next big thing on the Internet.
It was in a splendid street very near the top of the city (the Tisroc's palace was the only thing above it) that the most disastrous of these stoppages occurred.
This is a good thing, and I don't mind at all, because I want you to be happy, make lots of friends, learn good English and of course, hopefully be mine in the near future.
When the Sun is in Scorpio, you feel colder emotionally, but that is a good thing as in the near future you will have to practice some tough love.
It is a very difficult thing that two straight lines in a piece of space can be crossing, what's more only near this time, will walk the farther later.
There is no sign of the two wayward whales that have been lost near San Francisco and that could be a good thing.
There is no sign of the two wayward whales that have been lost near San Francisco and that could be a good thing.