The trick, Dr Smith suggests, is to cut patients' iron intake to the minimum necessary for survival.
But Dr Bechara said the insula appeared to be involved with "learned behaviours" rather than those necessary for survival.
Males also perform better in navigation, and scientists have theorized that through evolution these kinds of abilities were necessary for survival when males had to seek food in unfamiliar terrain.
Warm clothes and a blanket are necessary for our survival in the Sahara.
These are necessary, though not sufficient, conditions for GM's survival.
Letting go of the survival tools I needed on the street was a necessary transaction for admittance to a better life.
These chemical compounds are not necessary for the primary survival of the tea plant's cells; they are what is known as secondary compounds.
How to acquire the competitive advantage in this protean global market place? Timely reaction is of course a necessary condition for survival.
The reasonable exploitation of Marine resources and the protection of Marine environment is the necessary of mankind survival, is the common responsibilities and duties for all human.
Although they appear necessary for HIV's survival, precisely what they do that the virus needs is unknown.
Caring is just the first step, though. Next, people have to work together to achieve the social reforms necessary for our survival.
Early discovery, diagnosis and treatment are necessary to elevate survival rates and quality of life for young patients.
But after the garden is planted trees, it is necessary for good conservation management to ensure survival and healthy tree growth and development to achieve the effect of green planning and design.
Obama suggested he would support such a plan, so long as it was accompanied by conditions to "keep the automakers' feet to the fire in making the changes that are necessary" for longer-term survival.
Narcissism is reviled as a pathological state, but Mark Vernon argues that it may be necessary for our emotional survival.
It is the product of historical development is based on the survival and development necessary for freedom, equal rights.
It is the product of historical development is based on the survival and development necessary for freedom, equal rights.