Civilian aviation is being disrupted, not by the age-old desires for speed, romanticism and glamour, but by the pressing need to respond to a changing climate.
She several times emphasizes this need for protection, need to be free from being torn down from people around them.
The keys to being prepared for exams and avoiding unnecessary exam stress are knowing what you need to know, planning and preparing for your revision, and giving yourself enough time to do it.
For example, perhaps everything you need is already being emitted as part of some kind of transaction in your system and is being recorded to a database.
The need is for a detailed guide to being effective and authentic participants in one of the most important new sites on the Web.
Nothing is more gratifying than being able to help people in need and developing opportunities for all the people of the world to achieve their full potential.
This is easier for some people than others, but you need to become comfortable right away with not being able to figure things out ahead of time.
For example, a historical transaction might need to be retained due to being used as evidence in a dispute or investigation.
"What we don't need right now are knee-jerk laws, introduced just for the sake of being seen to do something," he told SPIEGEL ONLINE.
I'm lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
And for me, part of being a good man is knowing what I don't need to know.
They will do away with cash, so that you need no longer fear being attacked for your money.
Analysis of requirements means being able to distill the broad business need into manageable units for design and development.
The second (and maybe more important issue these days) is that the majority of 2.4 kernel releases and patches have been a bit on the flaky side, so for the time being you need to tread carefully.
第二个原因(也许在目前是更重要的问题)在于大部分的 2.4内核发行版和补丁都有一点不稳定,所以目前您行动时还是需要谨慎一点。
If women are being told unemployment is so high that the jobs need to kept for men since they are the breadwinners, can't women then create their own jobs?
The Daily Mail says Given could have played his last game for Manchester City after being told his injured shoulder seems certain to need more surgery.
As you discover a genuine need for something (genuine being the operative word), take it out of storage with a clear conscience.
Our filter doesn't actually need to do this, as no initialization info is being used, but it is here for demonstration purposes.
Depending on the circumstance or person, you can let them fade out of your life or you can kindly tell them that you need a break for your own well-being.
It's all about trying to bring you and me fruit that is not grown in our backyards, and yet that we want and need for our well-being.
I have a final lesson that is also being discussed this week: the need for financial sustainability.
Sure, you may have a big emergency fund, but you may need it to last a long time, so that’s no excuse for being complacent.
There is a need for better management of intensive systems, and biotechnologies are being used for this purpose.
You don’t needfear to avoid being a gullible idiot; for that you just need commonsense.
Whatever your reasons for being unhappy, you need to maintain your professionalism and prevent a bad attitude from sabotaging you.
Once we have successfully determined the correct language code for the client currently being served, we need a way of looking up translated text using a fixed language code.
That's because they have all the words and phrases they need for everyday intercourse and aren't being pushed by frustrated communication to learn more.
The issues being explored today address the need for more transparent and accessible data on patents to support decisions about freedom to operate.
Parallel systems for delivering a limited range of interventions are being introduced at a time when the greatest need is for comprehensive basic care.
Parallel systems for delivering a limited range of interventions are being introduced at a time when the greatest need is for comprehensive basic care.