They may react to little stresses in a big way, emphasizing their inability to cope and neediness.
People don’t like neediness, being independent shows that you are self sufficient and can take care of yourself.
I've seen neediness arise even when men and women do not particularly care for the person they're needy about.
Neediness kicks in when we're not sure whether we can obtain someone, but believe (or fantasize) that we have a shot.
If a relationship even has a tinge of "I'll get you through this," it is fated to fail because it will be based on neediness.
You may have a pile of work that you have to drag home for the holiday, or a relative could exhaust your resources with neediness.
Comic faces demonstrate a desire to be the centre of attention. Child-like doodles of faces suggest neediness. Profiles indicate you're an introvert.
The rationality of law including substantive rationality and formal rationality is the unity of values and truth and also the unity of the neediness and regularity.
He's noted that when he's felt this way in the past, he's also felt himself to be too needy, finding his neediness driving away the very people to whom he's turned for support.
At least partially to escape her mother's neediness, Pip accepts an internship with a rogue Web site in the jungles of Bolivia that exposes the nasty secrets of corporations and nations.
At least partially to escape her mother's neediness, Pip accepts an internship with a rogue Web site in the jungles of Bolivia that exposes the nasty secrets of corporations and nations.