This, it says, should be kept separate from the API, since for the safety institute to be credible it needs to seek out the very best practice, not an industry consensus.
Many people are too busy scrambling for those first two needs – food and safety – to worry about the rest.
Anticipating the needs of the poorest countries, the World Bank created a fast track facility in December to provide rapid funding for social safety nets, infrastructure, education, and health.
Maintain the security system, Responsible for the safety and security of guests, employees and establishment needs.
In addition, for the safety estimation and repairing after a fire, the behaviour of restrained beams subjected to temperature descending needs studying.
But they are focused on car tires, which require high technology to meet needs for speed, safety and comfort.
New circumstances are constantly begetting new needs for our safety.
While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness. (Passage.
Provide a safety training needs analysis model and safety training system for the reference and help.
But for the safety and stability, it needs to be improved and perfected further.
The state of mine safety production is the initial problem that needs to be resolved for mine safe production.
A passenger traveling in a stretcher or incubator. The safety assistant for such a person must be capable of attending to the passenger's in-flight medical needs;
The analogy for the current situation is: sheep pay high tax to wolf for protection of their daily safety and basic community needs, only to be bullied by the wolf.
A brick masonry staff dormitory of two stories framework at the bottom needs to have safety identification for the use of a longer time.
It provided for the train traffic order and ensured traffic safety. At present, the signal design of train control system needs continuous field tests to be improved.
And quantitative resolution to some typical indicators is presented to satisfy the needs for continuous improvement of safety cu…
The safety of passenger cars needs t0 be evaluated by crash tests, and computer simulation for passenger car crash tests is an effectual new technique.
The safety of passenger cars needs t0 be evaluated by crash tests, and computer simulation for passenger car crash tests is an effectual new technique.