A certain amount of negative life events is correlated with an overall sense of life satisfaction and happiness.
Prior to Garmezy's work on resilience, most research on trauma and negative life events had a reverse focus.
Results The scores of PSQI were correlated positively with the scores of SCL, negative life events, and negatively with working out a solution.
Experiencing negative life events and being overweight may raise the risk of depression in people with type 2 diabetes, according to new research.
Results The influencing factors on undergraduate mental health mainly included resources and environments, academic stress and negative life events.
The researchers surveyed 1, 340 people about negative life events and found that the 2004 respondents had more troubles than those who were surveyed in 1991.
The researchers surveyed 1,340 people about negative life events and found that the 2004 respondents had more troubles than those who were surveyed in 1991.
The structural equation analysis revealed that negative life events, negative coping style and social support had direct and indirect effects on the undergraduates well-being.
It is concluded that women criminals' personality, coping style and negative life events have different predictions for different crime types. Each crime type has its regression equation.
Conclusion the negative life events that patients with tension-type headache suffered and the inadequacy defense styles for these negative events may play an important role in their sickness onset.
Negative events like "serious illness of a family member" were high on the list, but so were some positive life-changing events, like marriage.
Both major life events and the hassles of daily life can trigger negative emotions that lead to emotional eating and disrupt your weight-loss efforts.
Balanced living is when you can always offset any negative events in your life with positive ones.
Emotional HONESTY: Reveal your emotional reactions, both positive and negative, to the events of your life, particularly to your spouse's behavior.
Both major life events and the hassles of daily life can trigger negative emotions that lead to emotional eating and disrupt your weight-loss efforts. These triggers may include.
In a balanced life there is place for negative and positive events, they actually complement each other and make you appreciate life more.
He asked volunteers to watch different films and dwell on positive or negative events in their life, designed to put them in either a good or bad mood.
The life events, depression and negative coping style were the main factors affecting the cadets.
Conclusion Nursing students have higher level of anxiety, which in turn has some relation to life events, negative coping and positive coping.
Life satisfaction realities on the part of teachers were shown significantly negative correlation with five dimensions of the life events, while positive correlation with active coping style.
Objective To explore the effects of personality characteristics, life events, negative emotion on acute myocardial infarct (AMI).
The total number of life events, number of negative events and LEU value of negative events in LES were all significantly greater in the systemic sclerosis group than in the control group.
Experiencing negative events, the study found, decreases your happiness but increases the feelings of meaningfulness in your life.
Experiencing negative events, the study found, decreases your happiness but increases the feelings of meaningfulness in your life.