The design of Neoclassicism pursues perfectness in every project and case.
More recently the periods of Neoclassicism, Romanticism and Realism were also included.
Neoclassicism thrived in the U. S. and Europe, with examples occurring in almost every major city.
Speaking and thinking in English, "neoclassicism" in each art implies a particular Canon of "classic" models.
The space is deducting neoclassicism of house, it is one fashion, honored, with one kind of personal status.
A lukewarm response to these series of ambitious works induced Fragonard to abandon Rococo and to experiment with Neoclassicism.
The western architecture always provide popular styles from Europe, such as Neoclassicism, Eclectic, and Romanticism styles among others.
Neoclassicism architecture refers to the classic architectural style prevails in Europe and America from 1760s to the end of 19th century.
Romanticism — a reaction against neoclassicism. This early 19th-century movement elevated the individual, the passions, and the inner life.
浪漫主义- - -对新古典主义的反抗,是19世纪初期主张提升个性、热情和内心活动的文学运动。
And in style, she is neoclassicism advocator, upholding those traditional ideas of order, reason, proportion and gracefulness in novel writing.
The Retro Trend in architectural production refers to the neoclassicism, romanticism and eclecticism popular from 1760s to the end of 19th century.
Yet the story of economics over the past half century is, to a large degree, the story of a retreat from Keynesianism and a return to neoclassicism.
Hence, from the point of view of countries with surplus Labour, Keynesianism is only a footnote to neoclassicism-albeit a long, important and fascinating footnote.
In the beginning of the 19th century, historic paintings were regarded by painters of neoclassicism and academism schools as the most orthodox and noblest paintings.
It adopts the architectures in meticulous ancient Greek form or ancient Roman form. So, the neoclassicism architecture is also called classic Renaissance architecture.
It adopts the architectures in meticulous ancient Greek form or ancient Roman form. So, the neoclassicism architecture is also called classic Renaissance architecture.