The upshot is that most Australian workers, over 8m in total, now have a private nest-egg for their old age.
That's one reason we're breaking down this nest-egg analysis into age groupings, aiming to give people some ideas that suit their current situation.
Tha' knew how to build tha' nest before tha' came out o' th' egg.
That mother bird—we might call her Mrs. Thrush—is not very good at math. So when she returns to sit on her eggs, she doesn’t notice there is an extra large egg in the nest.
A boy found an eagle's egg and he put it in the nest of a prairie chicken.
The English cuckoo bird never builds her own nest. Instead, she lays her egg in a different mother bird's nest when that bird is away.
Putting a bird or egg back in the nest — if the bird is supposed to be there — will not lead to rejection.
One morning a countryman went to his goose‘s nest, and saw a yellow and glittering egg there.
An Indian brave went out hunting and found an eagle's egg that had fallen from its nest but miraculously remained unbroken.
Even the popular boy wizard Harry Potter has to battle a deadly dragon and get back a golden egg from its nest in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".
Some older workers may have retired early, even if that meant living off of a smaller nest egg and accepting lower living standards.
Do you already have passive streams of income? Do you own valuable assets or have a hefty nest egg?
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The nest egg of the typical American family is smaller now than it was seven years ago, according to Federal Reserve data released Thursday.
However, for many, it would be wise to look for ways to earn more, even on a temporary or sporadic basis to build a little nest egg.
The same is true with setbacks: Watching one's nest egg dwindle is enough to pull anyone into a deep hole, but a year later, people typically rebound.
Start creating a nest egg for your transition now by creating a spreadsheetin your Blackberry or PDA that keeps track of where your money is going on a daily basis.
Start creating a nest egg for your transition now by creating a spreadsheet in your Blackberry or PDA that keeps track of where your money is going on a daily basis.
A graying work force focusing on rebuilding its nest egg while the young struggle for entry doesn't bode well for an economy dependent on sprightly consumers.
In times of trouble or in retirement you'll have a nest egg to draw from.
After growing a small nest egg into a real estate fortune, Allen decided to share his powerful system.
That is because the value of their nest egg is shrinking, through no fault of their own.
Over the years Leo has been very disciplined and saved every month. He now has a big nest egg on which he can retire.
Ultimately, the key is being flexible and taking your spending cues from the size of your nest egg.
Ultimately, the key is being flexible and taking your spending cues from the size of your nest egg.