The net cost—and hence the net addition to long-term public debt—will be much smaller.
The measure of the net cost of a tariff depends critically on the estimate of the amount of imports it discourages.
Keep in mind that expensive schools may have superior financial aid available. This can bring their net cost much closer to the lower-priced schools.
The adjustment cost minus the delay cost is the net cost of the type-conversion, and the adjustment cost plus the delay cost is the total cost of the type-conversion.
So this chapter’s first task is to defineand explain net present value, rate of return, and opportunity cost of capital.
The contraction in their net interest margin, the gap between their cost of funds and the rate at which they deploy them, underscores a larger problem in the American economy.
One difference you will often see is the cost of revenues applied directly against the revenues and a calculation of a net amount of revenues minus cost of revenues, which is called gross margin.
Joe Francois, for example, has estimated that an RMB revaluation against the USD would cost the US jobs on net.
She might cost the equivalent of 150 eggs to feed, producing an annual net gain of 150 eggs.
When Cohen inquired about representation with a law firm, he was told it would cost at least $50, 000--but Ben &Jerry 19s had only earned $7, 000 more than that in net income the previous year.
In any case, Mrs Merkel says she will not extend the safety-net beyond 2013 without big changes, such as ensuring that bondholders-not just taxpayers-bear some of the cost of future rescues.
Community exploitation: the seeding and exploitation of community interaction in a value-net, leveraging the collapsing cost of reaching individuals and identifying common interests.
Opportunity cost — the net benefit foregone because the resource providing the service can no longer be used in its next most beneficial use.
The net result is a significant reduction in total cost of ownership using Domino 7.
A battery chicken will lay six eggs a week. She might cost the equivalent of 150 eggs to feed, producing an annual net gain of 150 eggs.
Transfer cost----A cost to private party that is not a cost to society as a whole, because it involves a transfer of net benefits from one component of society to another.
Cost-benefit ratio criterion----No activity where the present value of net benefits is less than zero should be taken.
If you are considering writing such a safety-net finalizer, think long and hard about whether the extra protection is worth the extra cost.
The Balance sheet starts with the total cost of its fixed assets and any trade investments followed by a breakdown of net current assets.
Rapid near net shape casting technology can reduce the period of making moulds and the cost.
In terms of business financial affairs, tax is an external cost that is imposed on enterprises. Tax saving means gaining net-profit directly for enterprises.
But in terms of business financial affairs, tax is an internal cost which are imposed to pay. Tax saving means gaining net-profit directly for enterprises.
To minimize the cost of opening and closing connections, ADO. NET uses an optimization technique called connection pooling.
To minimize the cost of opening and closing connections, ADO. NET uses an optimization technique called connection pooling.