Essentially, a cache server is a heavy-duty network file server.
A hard drive on my network file server failed and I nearly lost several months worth of family photos (like this one).
In one, the client sits on a server of its own and commands a network file server to back up to a locally attached storage device.
Network-based virtualization is a file level computer data storage server connected to a computer network providing data access to multiple clients.
The TCPIP port setting's Network Address entry within the Server document should be checked for accuracy against the hosts file or DNS.
应该对照主文件或DNS检查服务器文档中 TCPIP端口设置的NetworkAddress条目以确保准确性。
A Network File System (NFS) server is already available on the Storage Mount VM RHEL image and just needs to be configured and started.
For example, you could have the output of each node embedded in an image file and stored on a Web server, ready to be fetched by the next hop in the network.
Each NIS server and client in the network is then configured using the same /etc/ntp.conf file to communicate with the NIS master for their time information
网络中的每个NIS服务器和客户端都将配置为使用相同的 /etc/ntp.conf文件来与 NIS主服务器通信,以获取时间信息
To prevent such problems from occurring, WebSphere Application Server USES network file locking technology to ensure exclusive access to recovery log files.
The policy.xml file for the product updates and features is located in the updates directory on the network server.
用于产品更新和特性的policy . xml文件位于网络服务器的更新目录上。
Add the following lines (shown in Listing 3) at the end of the file in order to point to the location of the JRE on the network server.
Your batch file will copy the policy.xml file from the network server to the local file system running Rational Product Updater at the appropriate time, and then delete the policy.xml.
您的批处理文件将policy . xml文件从网络服务器上复制到本地文件系统上,在适当的时间运行RationalProduct Updater,然后在不需要使用policy . xml时,将其删除。
You can rename the network boot image so that the network boot images for many Linux distributions can coexist, as long as they are the same as what is specified in the DHCP server configuration file.
The Network file system (NFS) is a well-used distributed file system that enables file operations to be performed on a server from remote clients.
网络文件系统(Net work File System,NFS)是一个常用的分布式文件系统,它使远程客户机能够在服务器上执行文件操作。
The policy.xml file that has been created for Rational Product Updater is located on the network server in the updates \ RPU directory.
为RationalProductUpdater而创建的policy . xml文件位于网络服务器上,updates \r PU目录中。
Password file-base authentication: authentication is based on the password and shadow files or interaction with Network Information System (NIS), on the machine where the database server is installed.
基于密码文件的身份验证:身份验证基于安装数据库服务器的机器上的密码和影子文件,或者与Net workInformationSystem (NIS)的交互。
If you are deploying in a clustered WebSphere Application server environment, each cluster instance must have access to a file share on common file servers or enterprise network storage devices.
To meet the need for Client-Server capabilities, Derby provides the Network Server (in a separate JAR file).
为了满足客户机-服务器通信方式的需要,Derby/Cloudscape提供了Network Server功能(在单独的JAR 文件中)。
The server edition allows for network-based bulk disk imaging, and Clonezilla itself supports over a half-dozen file systems covering Windows, Linux, and Mac-based machines.
服务器版本允许基于网络的大量磁盘映像,并且Clonezilla本身支持超过半打的文件系统,包括Windows ,Linux和苹果的机器。
Because you are deploying the SWF file to an application server, and because your application is using network data rather than local data, you do not use the -use-network=false argument.
因为您将SWF文件部署到一个应用程序服务器中,并且应用程序现在使用网络数据而非本地数据,所以没有使用 -use-network=false 参数。
I'm sitting on my own computer or someone else's computer and I suddenly need to file one file on the network server.
For example suppose that a workstation with a100-mbps nic began a very network-intensive operation such as copying a huge file off a server.
Network-specialized File Server is a kind of computing equipment specially designed for network application.
Based on the measuring data collected on experimental network, this paper analyzes the effect of background traffic, server CPU load and file size upon the performance of FTP protocol.
You are trying to play a file on the Internet and the server might be temporarily unavailable or there might be a network issue.
Give your network link a name, and specify the link to your file on a server.
The remote fax server receives the file and delivers it to the remote fax machine over the local telephone network, bypassing long distance phone charges.
Increase file download directly from the network to download files on the server, so can not upload files Convenience!
Network hard drive to provide users with a private space, may be its own file upload photos and other files on the backup server, other users can not view your file information.
Network features include support for TFTP server and client, DHCP, DNS, simple WEB server, virtual file systems.