Network programming is a quantitive technique for management.
Who knows how can the better the network programming e-books?
Multithreading is a necessity in multimedia and network programming.
It greatly simplifies and streamlines network programming such as TCP and UDP socket server.
它极大简化了网络编程,如TCP和UD P套接字服务器。
Read the previous installments in the "Network programming with the Twisted framework" series.
请阅读“使用t wisted框架进行网络编程”系列文章的其他部分。
If all you know about network programming is that it is important, this is a good place to start.
Focusing on low-level network programming, this book is just as applicable today as it was when .
本书出版时正值.NET 1.0刚刚诞生,重点放在底层的网络编程上;
This provides an introduction to network programming and serves as the basis for the rest of book.
In addition, a debugging method of network programming combined with network monitoring tools is discussed.
This is useful in network programming is a number of small things, which in network programming in quite useful.
The purpose, significance, content and method of natural gas pipe network programming in cities were introduced.
Modules are available for database connectivity, network programming, operating system services, and hundreds of other useful areas.
This article introduced in the network programming technology USES the traditional ASP application procedure and the popular ASP.
Reading and processing files is not the only place that asynchronous workflows are useful, they can also be used for network programming.
Sun has tried to implement a framework basis called JXTA, which is a network programming and computing platform for distributed computing.
An optimal direction of bases for quadratic network programming is given. There-by, an approximate and an effective algorithm are obtained.
An optimal direction of bases for quadratic network programming is given. There by, an approximate and an effective algorithms are obtained.
The Python library for event-driven network programming is called just "Twisted" -- my last column did not carefully distinguish the group from the product.
Routing is a function associated with the network layer (layer 3) in the standard model of network programming, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.
Some code is converted to a better domain name and IP conversion function with each other on network programming VB friends have a certain reference value.
Since they are network based, all the complications of network programming kick in, thus making distributed filesystems more complex than regular disk filesystems.
This paper studies the status quo of pipeline network programming in the facet of object, principle, content and method of oil and gas pipeline network programming.
On the foundation of research on PAS, this paper deeply analyses and researches the methods of PAS network programming furthermore, then brings out a feasible method.
This design project included the need analysis of the customer, network programming, total design project of network, the equipments choose use and function realization.
The application of graph theory, dynamic programming, neural networks, MCST method, constrained derivatives, etc. to pipe network programming were recommended in details.
A new approach is presented for solving the unit commitment problem based on network programming techniques the concept of graphs and networks is introduced in this paper.
A new approach is presented for solving the unit commitment problem based on network programming techniques the concept of graphs and networks is introduced in this paper.