The specification assumes HTTP is the underlying network protocol.
SFTP is a network protocol that enables files to be transferred securely.
Wireshark, formerly known as Ethereal, is a multiplatform network protocol analyzer.
SSH, or Secure SHell, is a network protocol for remote administration of UNIX computers.
Wireshark is one such tool that supports a vast array of network protocol decoding and analysis.
The server kernel sends the message to the client machines using the network protocol, such as TCP.
服务器内核使用网络协议(如 TCP)将消息发送到客户端计算机。
The default network protocol is not installed correctly. It cannot be supported properly by the system.
The specified network protocol is not one of the default protocols. Ensure that it is installed correctly.
So get your network protocol hats on, and get ready to learn about the inner workings of the language of the web.
Software design mainly includes the driver program design for the chips and CAN-BUS protocol and network protocol.
Servers run instances of the memcache daemon, which allocates a block of RAM that's accessible over a simple network protocol.
You are asking DNS for the lsid service record for with TCP as the network protocol. The response should look like this.
A secure network protocol technology such as IPSec might be used to secure the communication channel between computers on a network.
Verifying new network protocol and algorithm through extension of NS2 can improve efficiency, reduce cost, and be more flexible.
This paper expatiate on the theory of network protocol spoofing commonly, the ICMP protocol and its leak are analyzed in details.
Before dialing, to avoid data loss, either close all files using these connections or uncheck IPX on this entry's Network Protocol Settings.
SOAP messages typically travel over an HTTP transport, the standard network protocol for Web applications, which is what you'll use in this book.
The operations and messages are described abstractly, but they are bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to define an endpoint.
Synthesizing the structure of computer network protocol and network virtual instrument, the concept of network virtual instrument was presented.
Logically, the UNET low level library is a network protocol stack built on top of the UDP, containing a "network" layer and a "transport" layer.
Protocol independence: Protocol independence refers to the idea that clients can access services without regard to the communication/network protocol.
In other words, the programming model that you use to invoke a Web service usually determines the synchrony of the call, and not the network protocol.
Furthermore, we divide the system into the network protocol module and the contents processing module to meet with browser's function requirements.
NDIS is a kind of network protocol standard which supports the network drivers of three kinds: NIC drivers, intermediate drivers and protocol drivers.
Partly runtime binding: As in the previous case, the signatures of the service operations are known at the development time as well as the network protocol.
And then, it introduced this research, the control network protocol of XMAP, constructed the model of achieving control network based on this research.
Strategies above are applied to classical Contract Network Protocol, and then cooperation flow chart of improved Contract Network Protocol is pictured.
This method not only merely limited to the verifications of the network protocol, but also popularized it in any model related to process communications.
The operating system of workstations is widely based on UNIX system V, and STREAMS mechanism is adopted in the implement of their network protocol stack.
The operating system of workstations is widely based on UNIX system V, and STREAMS mechanism is adopted in the implement of their network protocol stack.