Aliases used for network application access should only point to host names specifically implemented as service names for applications.
If the sample HATS web service is running on a network accessible by your instance of an EGL tooling product, then you can begin previewing your EGL Rich UI application at this point.
As the unification platform of business supporting, it works with Service Control Point or Application Server to provide network users with the value-added services.
The emergence of the DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), which has made DID (Distributed intrusion detection) an important research point of the intrusion detection and the whole network safety.
With the application of network technology and the rise of knowledge management in the knowledge economy age, knowledge service has become the hot point of library research in 21st century.
The network bonding point is firm, but is not slip. The ball shaped plastic avoids the network contacting floor directly, and reduces abrasion, further prolonging the net service life.
The network bonding point is firm, but is not slip. The ball shaped plastic avoids the network contacting floor directly, and reduces abrasion, further prolonging the net service life.