In this paper, a complicated system is represented by a transmission line network topology model, and its response to the electromagnetic excitement is analyzed using BLT Equation.
This paper introduces related definition and system model of physical topology discovery in heterogeneous network.
Then, the communication model for MARS is deeply studied, the MARS fitted model of high layer communication and topology structure of under layer network are provided.
The network topology is created following the Transit-Stub model, consisting of nearly 1200 network nodes, with 16 proxies in the proxy overlay and up to 1024 clients in the multicast groups.
The realization principle of red and black mechanism is expounded with respect to the data model, data entity, graph version, network topology and application realization.
The automatic tracking of power network topology is well implemented by use of the snap model put forward in the graphic platform.
Authors use the mainstream network simulation tool NS2 in teaching network, set up a simulation model to discuss the network topology and the method of simulation parameters selection.
该文使用主流网络仿真工具NS 2对教学实验网络建立了仿真模型,讨论了网络拓扑结构和仿真参数的选取方法。
An abstract object-oriented model for power network topology is built up and an automatic generation method of primary topology is introduced, which applies the model and system vector coordinates.
The article introduces the graph model of reader network, and formulates requirement of the solution to reader collision when topology of the reader network is fixable or variable randomly.
The model establish the complex simulation network through the passive IP address camouflage, the passive operating system camouflage and the passive network topology camouflage base on camouflage.
In the system, Relation database model is adopted to memory the parameter information of the device, and the adjacent matrix is used to memory the network topology of power system.
For a switched industrial Ethernet model with tree topology, the maximum network delays of real-time data are calculated based on der...
This model divided into three parts: package model, mobile network topology and automatic generated virtual telephone bill.
Bringed up a P2P service based multi-level model to separate the P2P applications and P2P network topology.
Topology optimization model based on the concept of TCO is derived from the structure analysis of NGN network, and correspondent algorithms are provided.
The model of the DMZ is adopted to manage the network topology and SSL authentication system is used to strengthen the security of the network information.
The algorithm took transmission time vector between nodes as input, and a model was established by KLPP, which can reflect partial information network topology structure.
The network topology generator evolves from the random model to the hierarchical model, and then to the power-law model.
This paper builds the structure of cooperative design on the basis of working model of cooperative design, discusses network topology structure of cooperative design.
This paper focuses on the region distribution network and its network model and network topology for the digital power system.
Research and application on data model of road guide sign system based on road network topology;
Research and application on data model of road guide sign system based on road network topology;