The opportunity came a week later, on that never-to-be-forgotten Friday.
Do you no longer remember the sweet fruits, and the cooling juice in the wild plants of our never-to-be-forgotten home?
November 27 is a never-to-be-forgotten day.
One never-to-be-forgotten encounter was the 2002 final, popularly known as the Centenariazo.
If you had the chance to spend the festival in China, I believe it would be a never-to-be-forgotten memory in your mind!
Everything in your life that you take as so important, everything that is so real to you will not matter and soon be forgotten as if it never mattered at all.
However, facts A, B, and C are never used again; they were instrumental to the argument because they allowed one to establish D, but once D is established, A, B, and C can be safely forgotten.
Yeats's "Sailing to Byzantium" can enliven a journey on any waters, and it will never be forgotten if you recite it on the Bosporus.
She is nervous that a stray ballpoint might lie forgotten in a pocket, leave a Caspian Sea of navy ink never to be bleached away.
Scorpio is not the forgiving type and any infidelity will never be forgotten by this sign, and any taking back after this happens will be to get revenge on Libra for his/her act.
And our strength lies in the men and women who go to work every day, who struggle to balance their family and their jobs, and who should never, ever be forgotten.
Sometimes, some things may not be "never" this two word do framework, so when things of the past, don't be sad for passing moments, but to understand forgotten once beautiful moments.
As all visitors to the mansion are aware, these paintings represent women of middle age, of a date some two hundred years ago, whose lineaments once seen can never be forgotten.
For having ignored Wisdom, not only were they kept from knowing what is good, but their ruins were left as a monument to their foolishness so that their failure might never be forgotten.
Outfit carefully prepared for the dinner party should never be forgotten. Fold it nicely and put it carefully into your luggage. Measures should be taken to prevent the wrinkles.
I've mentioned the importance of personal perception, the significance of oral English is never to be forgotten.
Chanel's dedication to the apparel industry will never be forgotten by people of the world.
Bolvar: I must be forgotten! Tirion. If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today.
Surely, she thought, books are like people, who can be unknown to us, or heard of, or "skimmed" (perhaps met) or forgotten, but never truly known?
As they head to Atlantic City for the wildest and most spontaneous weekend of their lives they'll be sure that this Mancation will be one that will never be forgotten!
Tan says she has never forgotten what a judge told her in Paris: that dancing is not all technique—to be a true artist, one must "dance from the heart."
Dear Mr. Wang, I am much grateful to you provided a work opportunity for me during the past two months. This work experience I have never forgotten, it would be a precious wealth of my life.
Yours truly, Li Ming亲爱的王先生非常感谢您在过去两月里为我提供了一个工作机会,这段工作经历我将永生难忘,它将成为我人生中的宝贵财富。
I'll never forget Everyone has certain things that are never to be forgotten, I am the same.
To tell you the truth, during these days, the most unforgettable experience, one that shall never be forgotten, is that I've overcome one of my weakness.
To tell you the truth, during these days, the most unforgettable experience, one that shall never be forgotten, is that I've overcome one of my weakness.