That is the sort of very interesting people, and I think of them so often because one will never see them again, never know what happened next.
Please dear Fairy, tell me where he is and I shall never, never leave him again!
I shall never do it again and I shall never forget your kindness.
That is the sort of people they were--very interesting people, and I think of them so often, in such queer places, because one will never see them again, never know what happened next.
The loser must never be bitten in the case. If a dog breaks the rule it will never go to the pit again and will spend its life enchained.
It is said that his remaining hair coiled into little locks, that never grew again - symbolic of how he never became attached to the worldly again?
But again, if you think of the possibility of doing that for all eternity and never getting away from it, never being free from it, the positive dream of immortality, I think, becomes a nightmare.
I wish that September 11 never happened, and wish it never happens again.
Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you do.
Tess had never in her recent life been so happy as she was now, possibly never would be so happy again.
He will never know a whip-lash again. And as for the weather - why, it never snows here.
You never know what's going to happen tomorrow. You never know who will be leaving you and never return ever again.
They needed to, for each shuttle never flew enough to make financial sense, and the craft needed so much fixing after each flight that they were never, truly, used again.
I hope we never have this referee again. People talk of fair-play, of protecting good players, but I never get any of that. I don't understand a thing.
He knows that because he will never be able to go back to his village and will probably never see his family again.
I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too.
In September, they discovered that my Papa had cancer.It never sank in, even at his funeral the next February, that I'd never see his alive again.
"I will never make brownies again for they will never take your place," he said in all seriousness.
Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
When you are hurting after a breakup, it's easy to tell yourself, "I'll never meet anyone this fabulous again" or "I'll never find anyone.
What happened in Istanbul was a unique event, it never happened before and never will again.
In September, they discovered that my Papa had cancer. It never sank in, even at his funeral the next February, that I'd never see his alive again.
In September, they discovered that my Papa had cancer. It never sank in, even at his funeral the next February, that I'd never see his alive again.