Those boys are good at basketball, but they never show off.
Dear teacher, you never show off in front of others, but the blooming, is often to you the highest evaluation.
Skinner earned a reputation as a loyal McDonald's man, one who always did his homework but never felt the need to show it off.
When history is written, I think it will show that without the visual nature of the Web, it never would have taken off as an it substrate.
As a teen, I never got a valentine, while other girls at school would show off huge CARDS, teddies and chocolates.
Haha, lose one on the Road to apologize Well, actually I am very generous, and very humble, never do not like to show off.
May that never be said about our Lord because that isn't at all why he has come to abide in us. He has come to show us that he's a God who is not far off.
Don't try to show yourself off as somebody special or unusual, and don't brag about your virtue. People who have such thoughts will never attain Buddhahood.
Life is all about acting over and over again. Once you step on the stage, never think about stepping off before the end of the show.
If you are not an expert, don't show off your skills as it says "never offer to teach fish to swim."
别班门弄斧 不要关公面前耍大刀 班门弄斧 不要教鱼游泳 字面意思:不要教鱼怎么游泳。通常意译为;
If you are not an expert, don't show off your skills as it says "never offer to teach fish to swim."
别班门弄斧 不要关公面前耍大刀 班门弄斧 不要教鱼游泳 字面意思:不要教鱼怎么游泳。通常意译为;