"I want you to remember," my master said, "without those paints, you would never be a perfect product."
As an African American, I will never forget that I would not be here today without the steady pursuit of a more perfect union in my country.
My beauty you had early withstood, and as for my manners — my behaviour to you was at least always bordering on the uncivil, and I never spoke to you without rather wishing to give you pain than not.
It is your luck to get the bun and without my timely information, you would never have got it.......
Without a 1969 exchange like the one now being discussed between the White House and the Kremlin, my parents would never have married.
In some ways I was, but without my mental preparation [the partnership] never would have happened, "Seifert says."
For three years I never picked up a knife without imagining slitting my wrists with it.
But you can never realize my twining missing is resting on my finger top in distance. I can hardly develop the habit of being without you!
I never leave the house without my book, and if I'm taking a train I'll usually have a back-up book in case I finish the first one.
It has already been proved by my recent travels that my friend would never let me suffer from cold and hunger ever if I should go without writing a single word.
Ever since that night my friend never returned. I came here to look for him. But, he died without forgiving me.
I said I could never give up my cable TV, but I've been without it for 6 or 7 years now.
I'm never going to retreat, my dictionary without compromise.
There are clouds in human life, shadowing, refreshing, and sometimes draping it in blackness of night; but there is never a cloud without its bright light. "I do set my bow in the cloud!"
When I'm off the ice, I never leave my house without a Balenciaga bag in whatever color.
Everything was fresh and clean in the room, but I could not look at my mother's lovely face, which would never smile at me again, without crying.
I'm twenty, unmarried, childless and without a mortgage. There will never be another point in my life where I can take on the risks I can now.
I could run and jump all on my own, without crutches. I never knew how blessed I truly was, or how special Dawn is.
I never wash up without wearing rubber gloves I don't like to chip my nail varnish.
He never walked by my old home without stopping to exchange greetings, never passed me on the road that he was not ready to wigwag kindly a sentiment.
But without this event, my current partner and I would have just delayed or never had these discussions.
"I never worry about you sneaking up on me, " my friend once admitted to me. "I've never seen you walking without humming or whistling to yourself.
Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without cxception, I knew, but I never took it. You know why?
Yeah, you never, no you never see Q without U. Theres no question that my quest for a partner is through.
Yeah, you never, no you never see Q without U. Theres no question that my quest for a partner is through.