If there be a new-born baby or new-wed bride in the neighbourhood, the nightcapped "doctors" will peer with more than common care, for the unearthly troop do not always return empty-handed.
如果街坊邻居中有初生的婴儿或是新婚的姑娘,那么戴睡帽的仙医便会格外警惕,因为仙军不总是空手而归。 有时,它们会带着新嫁娘或是新生儿回到山里; 门一关,他们从此进入无血无肉的仙境。
If there be a new-born baby or new-wed bride in the neighbourhood, the nightcapped "doctors" will peer with more than common care, for the unearthly troop do not always return empty-handed.
如果街坊邻居中有初生的婴儿或是新婚的姑娘,那么戴睡帽的仙医便会格外警惕,因为仙军不总是空手而归。 有时,它们会带着新嫁娘或是新生儿回到山里; 门一关,他们从此进入无血无肉的仙境。