The new generation of it systems requires software development capabilities that support new middleware and emerging application architectures.
A new generation that has grown up with digital tools is already devising extraordinary new things to do with them, rather than simply using them to preserve the old models.
As the new generation of craft emerges, so will new ideas about their capabilities and potential.
This new generation of it systems requires software development capabilities that support new middleware and emerging application architectures.
As a result, with each new generation, immigrant males contribute new genes; on average, older females become less genetically related to the group.
America, the first of a new class of amphibious assault ships, "has the potential to be a new generation of light aircraft carrier," Hendrix writes.
[font=Verdana]As the new generation of craft emerges, so will new ideas about their capabilities and potential.
People are talking about new issues and challenges and there's also a new generation that's not attached to the liberation struggle.
The huge new campuses on the outskirts of big cities were powerhouses, put up initially with strictly limited staff and resources to produce the new educated generation that has mobilised change.
Once all the browsers accept HTML5 the new updates to the mark up will make the new generation of websites exceed anyone's expectations.
Some of those ideas will come from a new generation that has been conditioned to believe that it can do anything. Some among this new generation will fail and move back in with their parents.
In its place, a new generation of services is starting to take hold — services like Twitter and Facebook and countless others vying for a piece of the new world.
新一代服务开始取而代之,比如t witter、Facebook和其他无数争着想在新世界中分一杯羹的服务。
New version of news modules with automatic keyword generation may get you into trouble. Before herve release a new version or you prefer to use your own keywords, you may want to see this tip.
A brand new series exploring how a new generation of young people are dealing with HIV.
Perhaps it's better to think of the new iPod nano as version 1.0 of a completely new device, rather than the sixth generation of an existing iPod.
也许最好将新款iPodnano看作一款全新的设备的1.0版本,而不是已有的iPod nano的第六代。
Getting another generation to sing a new alphabet song and under-resourced schools to print up new alphabet posters would have taken scarce time and money.
In the last few years, however, as a new generation of designers has asserted itself in new York, Asian-Americans have been at the forefront.
When it comes to intellectual property, mobile-phone firms have mostly operated like a club.They jointly develop new technical standards: for example, for a new generation of wireless networks.
When it comes to intellectual property, mobile-phone firms have mostly operated like a club. They jointly develop new technical standards: for example, for a new generation of wireless networks.
Thanks to Graham Farmelo's wonderful new book, a new generation will have the chance to realise just how foolish I was.
In their new book they address two subjects that are usually given short shrift: established companies rather than start-ups and the implementation of new ideas rather than their generation.
On entering this exciting school each new generation, each new class, each new student will have an opportunity and, at the same time, a solemn responsibility.
And, for all their powers of prophecy, they never foresaw that one day, this would produce a whole new set of problems for a whole new generation of astrologers.
New languages, making significantly more of the information on the web machine-readable, power this vision and will enable the development of a new generation of technologies and toolkits.
Now, programmable Web browsers have opened a new event-driven environment to a new generation of applications.
Now, programmable Web browsers have opened a new event-driven environment to a new generation of applications.