There is no doubt that the new genetic and dental evidence provides strong backing for Greenberg's view.
She appeared so deeply impressed and shocked at this new view of human nature — excluded from all her studies and all her ideas till now — that Mr Edgar deemed it unnecessary to pursue the subject.
In this new view, your brain is a proactive system that integrates past experience to help you navigate the future.
This new view enables you to visualize how your modules connect.
A new view has been added for server logs, enabling you to view logs, exceptions, and cross component traces.
The new view has find support, enabling you to quickly locate specific entries in large log files.
This type of interaction does not change anything on the server, rather only requests for a new view are provided by the server.
This once fringe treatment is now creating a new view of mental illness as a condition affecting an interconnected network rather than arising from chemical imbalances in specific regions.
A new view appears in the lower right pane showing a list of items that have changed in a process, as figure 4 shows.
This is due to the lack of transition from the existing View to the new View, and incorrectly processing the store data.
The finding corroborates an influential new view of early human origins advanced by Bernard Chapais, a primatologist at the University of Montreal, in his book "Primeval Kinship" (2008). Dr.
这项发现支持了最近很有影响力的、由蒙特利尔大学的灵长类学家Bernard Chapais在《原人亲属关系》(2008)中提出的关于早期人类起源的观点。
The finding corroborates an influential new view of early human origins advanced by Bernard Chapais, a primatologist at the University of Montreal, in his book "Primeval Kinship" (2008).
这项发现支持了最近很有影响力的、由蒙特利尔大学的灵长类学家Bernard Chapais在《原人亲属关系》(2008)中提出的关于早期人类起源的观点。
You should now see the new view in the Browser Pane with the root of the VOB visible in the Folder Pane.
The Google Sightseeing blog reports on two new view mode in Google Earth and Google Maps.
Replicate your Notes database locally, if that is the only place you have permission to create a new view.
In DB2 9, useful information about the status and usage of tables can be found by using a new view called SYSIBMADM.ADMINTABINFO.
在DB 29中,关于表的状态和使用情况的有用信息可以使用一个叫做SYSIBMADM . ADMINTABINFO的新视图来找到。
Views section: In this section you can create a new view, set filter to the tables, or export or copy the views.
To access the new view, select Properties from the element's context menu from either the Project Explorer or the diagram.
The graball control, as the name implies, is a new view that returns all the patients in the database in a single XML file.
graball 控件如其名字所示,是在单一XML 文件中返回数据库中所有患者的新视图。
The next time the list is displayed, the status of the errands will have changed, and a new view bean will have to be instantiated using the updated list of errands.
The film festival commettee praised the film highly, '' The magnificent figure, a new view to the old civilization and melodious music has pulled the film's exotic atmosphere to the climax.''
Lotus Notes access for SAP solutions provides an easy way for you to review your SAP work items queue by adding a new view, SAP work items, to the Mail database.
通过向Mail数据库添加了一个新的视图SAPWorkItems,LotusNotesaccessfor SAPsolutions提供了一种易于查看SAP工作项队列的方式。
In addition, if you need for some reason to quickly create a new view for a fast production fix, the vast majority of time will be consumed in the creation of the view, not the fix itself.
That is, if you want a new menu, a new editor, a new view, and so forth, you need to implement a plug-in.
A new view is provided for this capability, called the asset repository view.
This phase of the lifecycle presents three view instances: new view, initial view, and postback, with each one being handled differently.
This new view goes a long way to address some of the headaches of quickly switching between businesses, as you seem to spend less time hitting the "back" button.
From the perspective of performance, every little click-sortable arrow is like building a new view much like the original, but sorted differently.
From the perspective of performance, every little click-sortable arrow is like building a new view much like the original, but sorted differently.