Toymaker Mattel has launched a new range of its Barbie dolls that sport sticker tattoos including flowers, stars and rabbits.
SHANGHAI -- Jiang Xiaoyun stared wide-eyed at the pink cupcakes, pink T-shirts, pink purses and pink dolls in the towering new six-story Barbie flagship store and declared the place a dream come true.
(Ariana Eunjung Cha 记者)上海——在高耸的新开六层芭比旗舰店里,蒋晓云(音译)睁大双眼盯着面前粉红色的纸托蛋糕,粉红T恤,粉红钱包和粉红色的玩偶,称这一切简直就是自己梦想成真。
SHANGHAI -- Jiang Xiaoyun stared wide-eyed at the pink cupcakes, pink T-shirts, pink purses and pink dolls in the towering new six-story Barbie flagship store and declared the place a dream come true.
(Ariana Eunjung Cha 记者)上海——在高耸的新开六层芭比旗舰店里,蒋晓云(音译)睁大双眼盯着面前粉红色的纸托蛋糕,粉红T恤,粉红钱包和粉红色的玩偶,称这一切简直就是自己梦想成真。