It is marvellous that we share in the joy and hope of a new born child, which is a great gift of our loving creator God.
Many of us do not realize that the earth we live on is a fragile being that needs to be protected like a new born child .
It tis marvellous that we share in the joy and hope of a new born child, which is a great gift of our loving creator God.
Dickon's a lad I'd trust with a new-born child.
Such a person may have recently gotten divorced (or married , or had a new child born ) , and no longer finds the house the right size .
The new WHO Child Growth Standards confirm that children born anywhere in the world and given the optimum start in life have the potential to develop to within the same range of height and weight.
She says that when her new-born child was tested negative she wanted the whole world to know.
Then the queen was permitted to answer, but she remained hard, and said, "No, I did not open the forbidden door;" and the Virgin Mary took the new-born child from her arms, and vanished with it.
As much as he loved his new-born child.
Months would pass-a new child would be born, a better job would come along, things would be looking up-and then the phone call in the middle of the night.
A new study reveals new mothers are more at risk for mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder during the three months after their first child is born.
Why then should we grieve, that a new child is born among the immortals, a new member added to their happy society?
In fact, many new moms around the world have to go back to work as soon as possible after their child is born because they have no access to paid maternity leave.
A ray of hope flickers in the sky, a tiny star lights up way up high, All across the land Dawns a brand-new morn, This comes to pass When a child is born.
Many hospitals still isolate new-born babies from their mothers, in spited of modern medical opinion that this practice is harmful to both mother and child.
When the new baby is born, the spell is broken and parents now see their older child as he or she really is, they say.
The blame game, as old as Adam and Eve, enlists new players with every child that is born.
They baptized the new-born child.
However, suddenly there's a new kind of child being born, a far less linear child and far more conceptual.
All the young ones in my family, I have my child, my nieces, my nephews being born... because the new generation is something that we're proud of.
Stephen Crane (1871-1900) was born in Newark, New Jersey, as the 14th child of a Methodist minister.
They were born in, or admitted to, one of three hospitals in New Jersey between nineteen eighty-four and nineteen eighty-seven. At birth, each child weighed fewer than two thousand grams.
他们都是于1984年至1987年期间在美国新泽西州的同一家医院出生的, 出生时的体重都不到四斤。
They were born in, or admitted to, one of three hospitals in New Jersey between nineteen eighty-four and nineteen eighty-seven. At birth, each child weighed fewer than two thousand grams.
他们都是于1984年至1987年期间在美国新泽西州的同一家医院出生的, 出生时的体重都不到四斤。