However, as they report in Molecular Biology and Evolution, Aurora Nedelcu of the University of New Brunswick and Richard Michod of the University of Arizona think they have worked out what happened.
但是正如新布伦瑞克大学的AuroraNedelcu和亚里桑那大学的Richard Michod在“分子生物学与进化”中所说,他们认为他们已研究出这一过程。
However, as they report in Molecular Biology and Evolution, Aurora Nedelcu of the University of New Brunswick and Richard Michod of the University of Arizona think they have worked out what happened.
但是正如新布伦瑞克大学的AuroraNedelcu和亚里桑那大学的Richard Michod在“分子生物学与进化”中所说,他们认为他们已研究出这一过程。