His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online.
Entirely new business models are emerging; three main ones were identified by the report's authors.
New business models disrupt established ones.
Web 2.0 concepts can be used to drive new business models in several ways.
Web 2.0的概念可通过几种方式被用来驱动新型的业务模型。
New companies displace old ones. New business models disrupt established ones.
Entrepreneurs are using new business models to revolutionise routine care as well.
New Business Models, including advanced advertising and usage-based services.
It is also important for the industry as well, as new business models are being created around P2P.
他对IT产业也是非常重要的,因为围绕着P 2 P网络新型的商业模型已经在逐步建立中。
We also are expanding our group of partners to include those which are pioneering new business models.
Newspaper companies like Hearst, he says, are experimenting with new business models to see what works.
New business models have already made their mark on the software industry, and the changes are here to stay.
However, it also presents a number of exciting opportunities for new business models, new markets, and new growth.
Embraer turned itself around by spotting a market niche in medium-sized jets and by inventing new business models.
Policies might change as a result of competitive requirements, external regulations, new business models, and other factors.
They are reinventing systems of production and distribution, and they are experimenting with entirely new business models.
But given the growing evidence of its usefulness and the new business models from emerging markets, there is reason for hope too.
The resulting information networks promise to create new business models, improve business processes, and reduce costs and risks.
In this environment will also born out of a new way of life, new culture, new business models, and even the new social relations.
Lest you think I'm an enemy of progress, I did discover there are some amazing and powerful new business models coming out of the clouds.
Based on transaction log Change-Data-Capture (CDC) technology provides a solution to IT operational challenges and the new business models.
Big data enables enterprises of all kinds to create new products and services, enhance existing ones, and invent entirely new business models.
Which of them, in your opinion, responds most to users' needs and should be the foundation for new business models attempting to win the web market?
Web services reduce the cost of building expensive business applications and enable the deployment of new business models in the enterprise structure.
In the private sector innovative firms routinely experiment with new business models, measure the success of those models and then expand successful ones.
There are also new business models, such as having a local entrepreneur run a base-station and provide services, including billing and handset maintenance.
This special report will consider all these trends in turn, starting with a look at the state of the industry and the new business models that are emerging.
This special report will consider all these trends in turn, starting with a look at the state of the industry and the new business models that are emerging.