The portal architecture frees application developers to concentrate on building new business value.
So, the portal architecture frees up application developers to concentrate on building new business value.
Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern business people who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad.
We will see new classes of applications and business value based on this that we cannot even imagine today.
Early projects do not need to be large to deliver value, but they always offer the opportunity to gain experience with the new technology and business models.
However, when development teams apply these best practices, they will provide new value at the lowest possible cost to their business team.
Our goal is to help you capture new business opportunities with agility, and accelerate time to value by reducing up-front infrastructure cost.
Typically, IT needs to get the business to support adoption of new technologies through tying technology to business value.
Basic Infrastructure, Rich function — Here, the primary concern is the exposure of business function as services so that they can be accessed or combined in new ways to deliver business value.
Business-focused users know where business value can be quickly realized through the targeted creation of new applications.
By creating new application connectivity to combine existing applications, businesses can increase business value, reduce costs, and increase revenue.
They believe this new technology will add value to the way they conduct business, and many are reengineering their infrastructures to accommodate it.
Service-oriented architecture: Measuring SOA's ROI in the new economic environment provides a download of a PDF from IBM's Institute of Business Value (IBV) which provides SOA ROI calculations.
面向服务的架构:在新经济体环境下度量soa的ROI,这是IBM的业务价值学院发布的可供下载的PD F文件,其中包含了SOA ROI的计算方法。
Business rules mapping for each data element from a data source's data models to the new centralized data model, including data quality and the list of acceptable value requirements.
Bob Evans proposes that it cannot bring significant business and customer value without a new approach, because "Alignment Is Dead".
And by value, I don't mean only hard economic value, like sales or savings or new business. (Which in most cases is hard to quantify anyway.)
Nevil Gibson, the editor of New Zealand’s National Business Review, sees his latest moves as a logical progression from paper up the value chain into the higher-margin world of food packaging.
新西兰国家商业评论的编辑内维尔•吉布森(Nevil Gibson)将他最近的动作理解为符合逻辑的进程,从造纸上溯到价值链中高收益的食品包装产业。
Without the ability to update or create new data records, however, the value offered for improving informal business processes or collaboration among team members is greatly hindered.
If legacy development is large and there is mounting pressure to deliver new solutions to the business, the EGL value proposition will be attractive.
Our business world stands today at the threshold of a new industry, as "big data" gains value on a very big scale.
On the other hand, to the micro Po business value evaluation, loss of interest in the current calculation is a new topic.
Article eV business tax, value-added tax and business income tax are exempted for key energy saving service business implementing contract energy management project within Xi Xian New Area.
Researchers are engaged in a major debate on the value of business planning in new venture creation.
This design gives prominence to new market change and customer value drive's guide effort to the while business process reengineering, which is helpful for promoting enterprises' whole performance.
Return on customer (ROC) is a new business metric that is designed to measure the amount of value a business creates by acquiring, retaining and then growing its customer base.
In 2006, our government published the new Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises, which used Fair Value as a measurement attribute widely.
Reappraisal of value proposition, value creation and value capture that make up the essence of business models can open up new opportunities for business to thrive.
In order to solve the problem of SMS slowing growth, China Mobile intends to popularize SMS value-added services and hopes that they will launch a new business growth.
In order to solve the problem of SMS slowing growth, China Mobile intends to popularize SMS value-added services and hopes that they will launch a new business growth.