And straitened economic circumstances now could present new business opportunities to gangsters of all types.
The other is how to further China-Africa cooperation in the economic, trade and other substantive areas in the new circumstances.
And in fact, at every moment of economic change throughout our history, this country has taken bold action to adapt to new circumstances and to make sure everyone gets a fair shot.
New appreciation of his circumstances and his role in a community will influence his attitudes towards money and economic needs.
The Certified Tax Agents is a new agency vocation in China, and the system circumstances of human culture, legal and economic demand the improvement of the system.
Consequently, how to build a new FA system has become an important task to meet the needs of the economic circumstances peculiar to the knowledge economy society.
Through the application and expansion of a simple new economic geography model, we analyze the relocation choices of firms from two countries differing in market size under different circumstances.
Through the application and expansion of a simple new economic geography model, we analyze the relocation choices of firms from two countries differing in market size under different circumstances.