Use of new energies such as marsh gas is increasing in the rural areas.
It is what is to be expected as the new energies create the opportunity to bring the changes about.
However the new energies are creating a new way that is being birthed in spite of the difficulties.
Ever-increasing new energies are flowing into these grids and shaking the very foundations of the dark's long hold on you.
Your energy bodies are evolving; you are gaining a spiritual shimmer and new energies in your aura as you grow spiritually.
The new energies of 2009 also create new partnerships opportunities for we will be aligning with partners whose energies match ours.
Hydrogen fuel and hydrogen fuel cell are more vitality and new energies for motor vehicles at present time in many alternative fuels.
The new energies pouring through Gaia's new grids are giving you all a chance to use Heaven's Law of divine grace to enhance your life.
Some how and at some time it had to end to make way for the new energies, that are bursting to come forth and cannot be held back indefinitely.
Then at the Solstice of 2010 we activated the Soul Star Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra, allowing you to fully ground and integrate these new energies.
Under this situation, new energies such as wind, solar, and fuel cells are promising chooses, In this area, we have met a lot of opportunities and challenges.
You are entering a period of intense changes and the old is breaking down, and the new energies bring truth and all that you require to forge ahead on the pathway to the Golden Age.
In future, we will implement a strategy of related diversification in the fields of traditional energies and new energies on the basis of maintaining our advantages in land drilling RIGS.
All who will join you in time to come will have new soil to tread upon and bring new energies to you that your consciousness may be enhanced as you journey into the entrance of dimensions anew.
It is so important that each of you understand and fully realize how truly important each moment you live in these accelerated energies is to the Cosmos, the New Earth and to you.
The stubbornness of the standard model has been too much for some physicists, however, leading to new theories that include gravity and work at extremely high energies.
It needs to engage the energies and support of developed countries, whose publics carry the heavy burdens of debt, competitive anxieties, and feel that the new powers must share responsibilities.
New results from a premier sky survey by NASA's Swift satellite at hard (energetic) X-ray energies now solidly show a strong association of AGN with merging galaxies, though.
It needs to engage the energies and support of developed countries, whose publics feel the heavy burdens of debt, competitive anxieties, and feel that the new powers must share responsibilities.
It is this homecoming which signals to you the attunement of your focus to the New Earth energies.
The new Cosmic energies that are coming in are assisting in this process but you are the ones who must state your intentions to make it so.
With each new day I can FEEL the energies of Light filtering through on a deeper level.
Hermione Lee's new biography casts Wharton as “the great generalissima”, in Henry James's words, “Edith the transcendent”, channelling her mighty energies into war work on behalf of France.
在赫尔迈厄尼·李(Herminone Lee)所著最新传记中,华顿,“伟大的女将军”(亨利·詹姆斯之语),“天才的伊迪丝”将其无穷的精力都投入到法国战时救济事业之中。
The people of Earth and its energies will be used for setting up a new order, and it will reflect the new found intent to move beyond duality forever.
You can also direct Venus' energies toward a landscaping project, if you are getting your garden and lawn ready for the new season.
This is due to the higher energies that are moving people out of their old mindset, and are seeking a new way of life.
Your weather worldwide is changing and it is Mother Earth and your Sun adjusting to the new incoming energies.
Intend that each chakra balances out to the same size and intensity as the new light earth dream energies bathe you from top to bottom.
Intend that each chakra balances out to the same size and intensity as the new light earth dream energies bathe you from top to bottom.