I'm hardly a clotheshorse, but the few new items I buy once again trumped the amount of water flowing from my faucets each day.
I can buy new items if I make room by removing older ones.
Each district serves 3000 CUSTOMERs which ORDER new items.
New items are discovered and added to the backlog based on customer and user feedback.
While each shipment replenishes items that sell well, each also includes new items.
Over the years I have come up with a bunch of ways to lose that lust for new items.
There are buttons for creating new items in the List as well as deleting items from the List.
As always, we begin with some new items of interest for the WebSphere community at large.
Once the initial product backlog is in place, there are many opportunities to discover new items.
When new items appear, the app would attempt to spot them and fit them into the same template.
New items can be added to the Toolbar by configuring the Toolbar widget and adding new menu items.
New items can be created by entering the item's quantity and name in the form and selecting Create.
通过在表单上输入物品的数量和名称并选择 Create,可创建新的物品。
New items are discovered and described, and existing ones are changed or removed as appropriate.
Before you purchase new items, minimalism encourages you to re-purpose and re-use what you already own.
Notice in the lower left corner of the reader you’ll see that it’s synching and checking for new items.
In other words, new items are added to the end, and map lookups move items to the end of the linked list.
And they need to conveniently view their coming items, create new items, and delete any items if possible.
Books and web sits will tell you that you need a whole houseful of new items in order to care for your baby.
New items can be created by entering the item's quantity and name in the form and selecting the create button.
Adding new items to the product backlog, changing existing ones, and correcting estimates make sizing necessary.
In fifteen minutes it's possible to scan 100 new items, while making 30 instant decisions to take further action.
The sites also put new items on sale at the same time every day for a limited period, usually no more than 24 hours.
I've gone so far as to keep new items, still packaged, in the trunk of my car until I was able to purge something similar.
As shown in Figure 8, Eclipse will now show two new items listed in the perspective dialog: the PHP and PHP Debug perspectives.
If we stopped purchasing new items every year that we don't really want or need, the demand is less, and factories will produce less.
Hardware storage protection with keys is supported beginning with POWER6 processors. The hardware architecture added two new items.
从POWER 6处理器开始,支持使用键来实现硬件存储保护。
The first, the payables form, enables you to not only see payables, or items the company needs to pay, but also to create new items.
第一个表单是payables 表单,它不仅能使用户查看公司所需支付的款项,而且还可以创建新的款项。
RSS and Atom feeds offer a very effective solution for visitors to subscribe to your site and be notified when new items are made available.
Besides specifying which menu items to add when installing a plug-in, the plugin.xml can also specify where in the menu to add the new items.
在安装插件时,除了指定要添加哪些菜单项外,plugin . xml还指定了菜单中添加菜单项的位置。
Besides specifying which menu items to add when installing a plug-in, the plugin.xml can also specify where in the menu to add the new items.
在安装插件时,除了指定要添加哪些菜单项外,plugin . xml还指定了菜单中添加菜单项的位置。