This essay will analyze China's new nationalism from the view of nationalism movement.
In recent years, his "Royalty Centralism" is reviving in Japan and it is considered the ideological roots of new nationalism in modern Japan.
To counterbalance these woes, the new elite may resort to even wilder forms of nationalism; and that nationalism could turn into a monster that even its creators cannot control.
With its heavy emphasis on morality and nationalism, the new legislation bears some resemblance to the Imperial Rescript on Education of 1890.
新通过的法案因其对道德以及民族主义的浓墨渲染,它和1890年为教育制定的“帝国诏书”(Imperial Rescript)有几分相象。
The emphasis on the latter was at the heart of new forms of nationalism.
Mr Ostler suggests that two new factors-modern nationalism and technology-will check the spread of English.
To those of us whose philosophy is black nationalism, the only way you can get involved in the civil-rights struggle is give it a new interpretation.
Under the new historical perspective, the Nationalism hadn't withdrawn from the historical arena, on the contrary, it had more and more vitality in thinkers' brains.
The rapid development of Internet provides a new platform and a new manifestation of nationalism.
The new esthetic spirit emphasized science , democracy, nationalism and popularization.
新的美学精神以科学化、 主化、族化和大众化为特征。
The parallel import of the commodities with the same brand is a new issue resulted from the conflict between the regionalism of the trademark rights and cross nationalism of international trade.
The parallel import of the commodities with the same brand is a new issue resulted from the conflict between the regionalism of the trademark rights and cross nationalism of international trade.