In the case of the CRM business process, a UML diagram was created to document the design pattern guiding the creation of any new playbook.
This approach considerably reduces the effort involved in creating new playbooks, as defining a playbook only requires specifying the deltas between global and local content.
In our case, authors may reuse and customize existing global elements in the context of a new playbook, without directly modifying the original content of the global element.
The old playbook may have new, unintended consequences.
If you're looking for a new gig in a new industry — be it out of necessity or passion — this is your playbook.
Since the Spanish Playbook is similar to the Australia/New Zealand (ANZ) Playbook, she has no problem navigating the Website.
This isn't some new intellectual breakthrough on my part: It's right out of the Warren Buffett playbook.
Also, there is additional intrigue because Kayak plans to extend this new role into its mobile app and eventually to its core search process, thus totally overturning the travel-metasearch playbook.
而且Kayak将有进一步计划,把这个新角色延伸到其手机应用程序上,并最终嵌入到其核心搜索流程当中。 这将完全颠覆旅游元搜索的游戏规则。
One benefit of this new system is that now, once a player is assigned a play type, he has access to every play of that type in his team's playbook.
As in the real NBA, if a player is traded, he will keep his play type assignment and simply inherit all the plays of that type in his new team's playbook.
As in the real NBA, if a player is traded, he will keep his play type assignment and simply inherit all the plays of that type in his new team's playbook.