Iraq has the potential to be a major source of new oil in the next five to 10 years, but the process of scaling up production faces many obstacles.
This includes improvements in the production of practical problems, the development of new tools, the development of functions for unknown applications, and the experience gained in the process.
Then Wiedeking lent parts of the Boxster’s design to the new 911, simplifying the production process.
A new LT process was established after the preferred Selection of technology parameters, various examinations of properties of the diffusion layer and production practices.
Optimization and setting of new and existing automotive processes, Involved in the optimization of the production line layout and process parameters, improve production efficiency and product quality.
In this paper, the process of sodium hypophosphite production and equipment is summarized, new views and suggestions are put forward according to corresponding technological exploitation.
Early Production Containment Period - Production runs during the start-up and acceleration of a new or changed product or manufacturing process.
Application of new process and new technology in ionic membrane caustic soda production. Its economic and social benefit were introduced.
Entering into the new century, optimization process of the production line in steel industry has been accelerated.
The new technology and new process instead of traditional technology and equipment in PVC production by calcium carbide method were introduced.
The experiments demonstrate that this is a new method of production, It will in a certain sense improve the process of manufacturing pure sodium and caustic soda.
The new process significantly reduces the production cost, improve economic efficiency, while significantly reducing emissions of waste gas and waste residue to protect the environment.
Some new process, new units and new materials used broadly in domestic production enterprises of calcium carbide PVC were introduced.
The new process is characterized available rich raw material resources, short reaction time, mild process conditions and easy realization of commercial production.
In this paper, the process of sodium hypophosphite production and equipment is summarized, new views and Suggestions are put forward according to corresponding technological exploitation.
Since methanol production is a new process introduced in Tuha oilfield, the nature, production method, process and its principle of methanol are described in this paper.
These new methods help to optimize the production process, and promote the production efficiency of enterprise.
The process of production of a new high-molecule inorganic coagulant-compound aluminum-iron silica using calcium silicate as the main raw material is introduced.
介绍了一种以铝酸钙为主要原料的新型高分子无机混凝剂— 复合硅铝铁混凝剂的生产过程。
Excellently combining traditional process with modern biological technique, developed new process of aromatic vinegar production.
According to organic manure, inorganic fertilizer made of the advantages of organic - inorganic fertilizer production of the new process.
The new process of recycle anodynon in tail gas of chlorine oil production with solvent low temperature absorption method was researched.
This paper discusses the new technology of wet bulk storage of bagasse and the industrial production process of bagasse newsprint.
ODS substitute industrialization production standard process flow diagrams, information on existing and new projects of ODS substitutes are put forward.
This paper mainly describes the industrial production line using calcium carbide dreg dosing and new technology "dry grinding and dry calcining" for dry production process of cement clinker.
New production process of symclosene by continuous method was introduced. Comparing with the traditional method, the new process is safe, high efficiency and saving energy.
For our country now is in the process of social transition, cultural production bears some new characteristics.
The paper introduces technical reform experience for crankcase production line from 1997 to now, with stress on summarizing the application of new technology and process.
Pre production trials of activated nickel button containing sulphur by a new process are described.
Pre production trials of activated nickel button containing sulphur by a new process are described.