Every time a new tenant moves into that flat, he puts up the rent a bit more.
This new tenant who as we have said was an Italian was called il signor giacomo busoni.
Find out if your landlord will give you a rent reduction if you help him or her find a new tenant.
How many electrical outlets are there in each rooms? IS the overall wiring adequate? Or will wiring be a major expense for the new tenant?
A very nice wheeled designer suitcase thumped up the wooden steps. The new tenant paused to stretch her lower back, placing a hand there for support.
Sauro's landlord says his new tenant is getting an unbelievable deal., considering how much the region's utilities paid to build the failed nuke plant.
New tenant specific service meta-data can be added at runtime in WSRR without impacting existing tenants potentially without any code changes to the mediation flow.
Whenever a new tenant requests a virtual portal, the service provider creates another instance and delegate the administration of the new virtual portal to the tenant's administrator.
If the application USES database tables, then a new column designating the tenant ID is added to each table in the database.
Service providers contemplating web-delivery of existing or new multi-tenant services are often faced with a number of design choices.
I have found a new flat. The present tenant is moving out this weekend and I am moving in on Wednesday.
A new tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the Landlord and the Tenant.
WeWork – which unveiled its first co-living apartments in New York earlier this year – has signed on to be the anchor tenant and will occupy about a third of the building.
WeWork – which unveiled its first co-living apartments in New York earlier this year – has signed on to be the anchor tenant and will occupy about a third of the building.