To whet your appetite for this new release, this overview article takes a brief look at some of the most significant new features.
As she headed back to the U.S. for the start of the new university term, a widely smiling Emma seemed delighted with her new look.
If you're choosing a striking new hairstyle or color, try the new look in stages to see how it works.
For those of us who start a new company rather than look for a new job, it's important to understand venture capital and venture capitalists.
As when using RPM, you should check your configuration files to be sure they haven't been changed and to look for new sample files in case the new version includes new options you might want to use.
Development of new journaling capabilities continues to look to the future at new algorithms and structures as well as to the past, where features of JFS and XFS are incorporated.
New faces, new surroundings and meeting people is an unknown journey that I look forward to as I go to class each day.
So be sure to be quick at finding out if anybody is wearing anything new or impressive and remember to say, “You look awfully smart in this new shirt!
And with a host of new signings in contention to make their debuts, Ramsey anticipates three points and a return to winning ways for a new-look Arsenal.
However, you need a new SAP connection document to this new BAPI. It could look like figure 7.
New things and events waiting ahead make a new day exciting, but having to wake up early in the morning is definitely something I don't look forward to.
For version 7.0 we've created a new, updated product installer which has a new look and feel to simplify your installation experience.
This morning my family and I get up early, and then go to my grandma pay New Year call, then we went to a one to give our loved ones happy New Year, we all look very happy.
The Ocean theme just takes this approach to a new extreme, adding in some new resources, and updating more than just basic properties of the look and feel.
First, take a look at Wicket's own component hierarchy that you can use with little effort to build a new custom component, or extend it to add new features.
Scala 2.8 also offers new language features, like the new named and default arguments. Named arguments look like assignments to the names of the called method's formal parameters
Scala 2.8还增加了新的语言特性,如新的具名与默认参数。
New semester started, we changed to a new teacher, about his twenties, a very nice look, are all very happy.
For MySpace to reclaim their dominance, they would have needed a much bigger announcement right now than simply some new apps and a new look for their mobile web site.
While the new Windows xp experience is just a modified Windows look and feel, the GTK + UI is brand new and based on GTK + 2.0 (see Resources for a link to information about GTK + 2.0).
虽然新款WindowsXP体验只是修改后的Windows外观,但GTK +UI是一种全新设计,它基于GTK + 2.0(见参考资料关于GTK + 2.0信息的链接)。
Look forward to new breakthrough for bag filter media in developing new material, new manufacture process, new variety, reducing cost, etc.
Through communication, may be able to learn from a new perspective to look at things, or get a new inspiration in life.
As we embark on a new Rotary year, we look ahead to new responsibilities, new challenges, and new opportunities.
Today I choose to think new thoughts, to look at new values and to find ways of expressing my God-given gifts.
America's faltering steps towards new reactors look sure to be set back, not least because new concerns will mean greater costs.
Many people go to a new economic zone like Shenzhen to look for a new job, hoping to increase their income there.
The discovery should enable astronomers to better identify phenomena as they look at new galaxies or take a new look at already known ones.
The discovery should enable astronomers to better identify phenomena as they look at new galaxies or take a new look at already known ones.