Both directories have files to be updated to create a new tool.
Some policymakers are reaching for a new tool: behavioural economics.
You simply export the data out of the old tool and import it into the new tool.
And that is what their new tool does, they reported online May 13 in Neurology.
It is the only place where new code had to be written for creating the new tool.
We were able to uncover some fun facts about the making of this interesting new tool.
This new tool could be deployed to dampen the boom-and-bust nature of the credit cycle.
Before deciding to create a new tool, you should also consider writing a plug-in for GIMP.
Once this is done, you discard the model of the old tool and use the new tool from then on.
Xobni, based in San Francisco, is introducing a new tool on Monday that plugs into Outlook.
Team members resist using the new tool because they don't understand the process it supports.
A hundred years on, detectives have a new tool at their disposal in the form of DNA matching.
The IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC) is a new tool designed to build custom delivery processes.
IBMRationalMethod Composer (RMC)是一款为建建定制交付过程而设计的新工具。
The Message broker Explorer is a new tool to facilitate the administration of broker environments.
Have we established realistic, measurable performance criterion that we expect out of our new tool?
"I believe we should use this new tool to promote civil society, and enhance social morals," Wu said.
NOTE: in Lotus Notes 8.0.1, a new tool was added to view all the wires in your application at once.
If you want your organization to move to a new tool, choose a time when team members have some flexibility.
We took those three and enhanced them for the iPhone, but there's a brand new tool: the iPhone Simulator.
This only creates a new GIMP core, which does nothing yet; it has to be integrated into a new tool and registered.
Science is different in this respect: when a new tool, technique, or theory wins out, people see that as progress.
Deisseroth's story repeats itself everywhere in science: An ingenious new tool triggers a cascade of new insights.
I found that when an organization acquires a new tool, the people using the tool feel obligated to try to use it all.
This new tool supports rich browser versions such as Firefox 3.x, Internet Explorer 7.x, and Internet Explorer 8.x.
该工具支持富浏览器版本,如Firefox 3.x、InternetExplorer 7.x及 Internet Explorer 8.x。
Attempting to deploy a new tool without retraining team members on the modified process can lead to negative situations.
"This gives artists and fans a new tool to build that relationship to a level that hasn't been possible before," he added.
Please keep in mind that before creating a new tool, you must review the functionality that already exists in the program.
The source data may exhibit validation errors or it may be in a less canonical form than what is required by the new tool.
The source data may exhibit validation errors or it may be in a less canonical form than what is required by the new tool.